May 20, 2024

May is typically a busy month for my family - Mother's Day, my daughter's birthday, my birthday, our dog's adoptaversary. Sadly, I've had to add my father's death to May.

Less than a week after moving him to memory care, he became unresponsive and attempts to revive him were unsuccessful. It was a complete shock. And, honestly, I'm processing through guilt. Although I've grieved him in a different way over the past two years, during his journey with dementia, the grief in knowing I will never see him in person anymore is more painful.

He was a stern but loving father. You could always depend on him, for anything. He would drive hours to you in the middle of the night, as he did for my brother. He contemplated driving to CO when I lived there, because he hated to fly. We convinced him not to.ย 

So, as my birthday lands on this week's Wednesday live, I'm taking 30 minutes to step away from work and love myself and give myself some grace.ย