Amanda Powell

Bellingham, WA, United States

Hi!! I'm a photographer, artist, mother, and ever hopeful that I will one day make it to an IRL class with Marnie and the fam!

Sep 07 at 07:34 PM

It's in the title, but the strength & mobility work of this class is NO joke. I love this combo, and find my body needing it so so much, especially as I progress with muscle strengthening. It will make you sweat, with some impact at the beginning, but not much.


Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /404

Aug 31 at 05:03 PM

I adore the arms over the head ab series. Would love a focus on that in this month of balance. And, I look forward to favoriting every single workout with this month's theme because that always happens with "balance." my favorite!!


Commented on M/<20 BARRE SWEAT /403

Aug 28 at 05:56 PM

Marnie's outfits are killer, just need to get that out first. I missed this live, but doing it in the afternoon--- what a lovely fully standing, hip mobility workout. This one seems like a great one for period days, when you might be having big feelings, future Amanda. Basically, those days where your mind is on fire but you're short on time. Love it. Also that chat at the end was everything. It felt like a fun, late night conversation, even watching it in the playback.


Commented on M/<45 SLOW SCULPT /402

Aug 26 at 10:17 AM

I knew this would be good with that Glass Animals opener (Marnie it's like you're in my head with your music choices!). Looking forward to trying this again when I'm not recovering from sickness and vacation... my smaller muscles were not ready after a week off... didn't use ankle weights and the shake was so real, you really don't need extra!


Aug 26 at 09:12 AM

I love your comments Monique. I have tailbone issues, and I can always look at your descriptions to know if I need to grab my orthocushion for a class. So much love to you girl!


Aug 16 at 01:33 PM

Can’t Hold Us, Macklemore!! And a stretch to anything Danielle Ponder ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Aug 15 at 11:53 AM

So true. Things can flow off the mat into other parts of our lives, which means none of this time is wasted 🙌🏻


Aug 12 at 08:31 AM

Late to this, but I'm wishing you serious healing Alyssa!! It's so hard when things feel good until they suddenly don't. I struggle in this arena, but like others have said, "time & grace." Exploration not expectation. Sending you so much love, and hoping things have improved for you since you posted!


Aug 12 at 08:29 AM

hi Fam! I've been missing the live energy as summer winds down, but still showing up in the play back. Thanks for all the great comments under each video description. It's so helpful to know what I'm getting myself into 😂..  For this month, and the theme of adventure, I've been doing ONLY workouts that I HAVE NOT favorited. I started it a week ago, and so far, I've kinda been loving the return to things I either struggled to be connected with, or just didn't jive on. As a person whose challenge lies in slowing down, I've appreciated the mind shift. Just a thought, if anyone is wanting to throw more adventure, even if it's mental (and really, it kind of all is), into their workout routine. Have a great week fam!!


Aug 11 at 05:24 PM

When I miss a class I always scroll to see your comments Monique. Yet ANOTHER reason you are such a fabulous member of this community. 🫶
