Nicole M

Oxford, United Kingdom

Aug 09 at 11:17 PM

This is so helpful thank you so much!! X


Aug 06 at 01:14 AM

My august adventure…

Hello sweet fam! Since august is all about adventure I think I need some help adventuring into shorter classes. Sometimes I’ll push myself to do a 60, and feel drained the rest of the day! When I could have done a 20, or a stretch flow and felt more energised!
So my adventure is… chilling out a bit lol.
Whats your favourite short class?
Love to you all!


Aug 06 at 01:09 AM

Oh my goodness 🥹 welcome to the Fam sweet Winnie! ❤️


Aug 01 at 10:59 PM


Usually have to lay like this during closing meditation so my baby Ollie can join me!

Jul 26 at 11:07 PM



Jul 24 at 12:43 PM

Oh wow I love these soooo much! Pictures 2 showing your pure amazing strength! And picture 4 with you & your mini! So sweet

Jul 22 at 10:27 PM

I feel the same Nina. I have to make adjustments to diet & exercise yearly to feel good.

It’s so individualised so I guess the metric is: do you feel good?



Jul 22 at 12:39 AM

Phenomenal women

Lately I’ve been getting bombarded with weight loss ads on YouTube. Google has a feature that lets you see why you are getting an ad, so I clicked it and guess what! It was because my gender is listed as female. I loathe that so much. We know as women we are subject to such strict sociatal standards of what to look like, but to see it in writing was kind of a shock!
So I did the badass women signature 60 (359) today.
Please you beautiful people of this community, your value does NOT depend on how much you weigh or how much fat you have, or where that fat is on your body. You are a beautiful human being and are so precious far far beyond any number!!!
Sending you lots of love to combat any and all negative self talk ❤️


Jul 15 at 11:36 PM

Monique you are such a star for these comments ❤️


Jul 08 at 10:57 PM

🥹 this makes me so happy. As a sensitive soul who’s always been told to just get over it, or grow up, this was so healing to read. Thank you Lindsey x
