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March 19

Hi fam! I just had such a powerful workout experience I have to share! Fullbody flow 380.I have something going on which is causing me such anxiety and as soon as I got into the workout I felt this big rush of anger. And I kind of realised that as a 'nice girl' this is not an emotion I really allow myself to be in so it was getting all twisted up as out of control anxiety. The situation is still a mess but at least now I am not all knotted up and there is something about this anger energy which is very dynamic and maybe what I need to sort stuff out. Those are my thoughts! plus I get a shout in workout 380 which is always nice 😍

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Cooper and Parker Update! Both boys are home!!!

Cooper was discharged from the NICU after 33 days. Came home Feb 25th.

Parker was discharged after 35 days. Came home Feb 27th.

Big sister, Maddie, loves her brothers and loves to be near them. It's too sweet!

We are doing well trying to juggle everything and managing to get some sleep! Thank you all for the love and support! ❤️✨❤️

March 14

Don’t we always say cardio dance has slumber party energy?? 😉 We had a rough start to this Friday morning but the latest cardio dance really gave me such a great endorphin boost. Hope everyone has a good weekend! ♥️

February 22

Hi everyone! I'm so grateful to be back here for a while with you all! I'm so grateful for the love and support I've received from this community in the past few years. You help me stay grounded, grateful and kind. Have a wonderful weekend, see you soon on the mat! ❤️

March 19

Hey fam!

I'm hitting the road again on a 6 week tour, been a few years since I've been away for so long! I'm excited and nervous and hoping all this work pays off. Marnies message in today's class about being on the brink of something big when feeling stuck really hit me, as I've been dealing with discouragement with my new album coming out and the technical difficulties surrounding that. These are normal feelings and I don't judge them but it is what it is. On top of family drama just hoping for a safe, fun and somewhat profitable trip as this winter put me out of work for two months after being sick. Just being vulnerable in the safest place I know 💙 Leaving in ten days, send safety and strength energy and of course if this route is near any of yall I'd love to hug you in my travels 💙

Also, my new album Halfway Decent comes out April 1st, so I'm trying to celebrate that with the spring time sun best I can 💙 listen if you like weird music 💙 love yall so much 💙 grateful for the best half a decade in my life (so far🤞)

March 17

Hi! Just a gentle reminder to the beautiful M/Body team; can we please have another Beyoncé class.? A hot, sweaty, sculpty class with all her powerful songs and beats where we free our hair & shirts! Gracias, love you!!🥰♥️♥️♥️

February 28
• Edited (Feb 28, 2025)

Hi Fam!! Given we may have some new curriculum headed our way, and because periodically I've seen related questions asked, I thought it might be nice to share some equipment I use that I love. First up is this mat: I have an enthusiastic and aggressive tailbone which has always given me grief in any seated ab work, or really any time I sit period, even when I was a kid. This mat makes sit ups and boat pose possible, whereas before, I had major pain in these positions and couldn't do them because they caused my tailbone to break through the skin (sorry if this is TMI and intense, just hoping it's helpful). It does slip around, and it is a bit fragile, but I use it under my normal Manduka mat for cushion and it's fabulous.
Secondly, after almost five years of M/BODY I decided to buy a barre. I bought this freestanding one, per a recommendation from the fam: So far, I'm super happy with the quality. It's light, but does stay put on a concrete floor, and I've been able to successfully fairy jump without it slipping out from under me. I'm a 5'7, solid woman 🤣 and it handles my body weight like it's nothing.
And, lastly--if you're in the market for inexpensive hand weights, I've been super happy with my All Motion ones from Target. The quality for price can't be beat.
Anyone else have any tips or products they love for this work?

February 18

Did the recent ballet sculpt class and felt pleasantly worked over and not toxically tired. Yay progress! Still going to slowly work back up to 4 times a week like I originally wanted, but constantly reminding myself to PACE MYSELF and not overdo it has really helped. Being shown alternatives to moves really also helps with the misplaced guilt coming from going my pace instead of the Most Pace! So thank you!

February 16

The latest core connection class was the perfect workout for a snowy Sunday! ❄️ Hope everyone enjoys the day whatever the weather is where you are! ♥️

February 21

So fun to hang with everyone at the live on Wednesday! Mini Audrey said thanks for the shout out! ♥️