Lindsey J

Apr 04 at 07:45 AM

Nina-Nike Velander and Molly Mandell ahhhh 🥰!! I will do my very best to make this happen. Life is a bit chaotic, but I am putting it in my calendar and will try very hard to make it.


Apr 04 at 07:34 AM

Oh my gosh, Nina-Nike Velander and Molly Mandell I want to crash this get together so badly!! We’re at the level of friendship where I can invite myself, right Molls? 🤷‍♀️🤣

I would absolutely love to meet you Nina!!


Apr 04 at 03:58 AM

Engaging my senses in a way that feels intuitive to the type of grounding I need - cold air outside, splash of water to the face, ice cube on wrists. Sitting in the sun with my face up, drinking something warm, an Epsom bath. Lavendar on my wrists and soles of feet. Music to match the mood, energize the mood, or calm the feeling, sitting by moving water that sounds like white noise. Intentionally dropping my shoulders, unclenching my fists and shaking my hands. Bouncing, shaking, tapping, especially my legs and feet.


Apr 01 at 05:26 PM

Mini under the back? Do tell!!

Mar 31 at 03:24 PM

Hi Megan! I don’t know about the M/BODY gliders, I have very old ones from TJMaxx lol, BUT they have 2 sides and I believe the M/BODY ones were designed similarly. One side is smooth plastic and the other has an almost felt like surface. My thought is that they do that so the tool can be used on hard or soft and not scuff if that’s a concern, and also the felt provides a grip for your feet. If I put the felt side down on hard floors it is harder to pull (more resistance, but won’t scratch the glider or the floor). I haven’t tried the smooth side on carpet, but I feel like it would work and no scratching the glider or the floor risk either. Likely harder because more resistance. Maybe use barre socks with gripers to increase the hold on the surface? Have so much fun!! And if you don’t pull the trigger on purchasing, stick with those paper plates and glide away lovely girl! (Wax paper rubber banded to your feet works well too, but I speak from childhood memories only 😉)

Mar 30 at 05:44 AM

Jen Fast you’re welcome!! Hope to “see” lol you at the live celebration today!

Mar 29 at 03:57 PM

Hi Jen! Marnie just did an Instagram story asking for song requests for tomorrow’s live. Head there asap and let her know 😊

Mar 29 at 02:59 AM

Jessica Burton aw Jess, you are so kind, thank you! I get so flooded seeing my son that tears fall out sometimes, I know that feeling very well 🥰

Mar 27 at 05:00 PM

Amazing Jess!! Nothing compares to that feeling when you are so overwhelmed watching your child thriving, simply by being and doing, you are caught off guard by that flood of love and pride ❤️

Commented on M/<45 HIPS + SEAT /61

Mar 27 at 05:01 AM

This class has a quick signature flow vibe, with lots of standing series and variety and a focus on hips (hi wide second) and glutes (oh hi barre work), but without any crunches or on your back work in orange or blue. It also has a once in the catalog glute strengthening and hip stretch to end class that is so good!