Lindsey J

Feb 19 at 08:39 AM

Yes Gwen! My pace. It’s really challenging isn’t it? That true tuning in to self while still challenging, with no comparisons or shoulding. I’m with you!


Feb 18 at 02:02 PM

1) Marnie, what are your current favorite moves aka what would YOU request for a fam fave class?

2) Could you give us a glimpse into what the making of a class is (piggy backing on NicoleM here) like a behind the scenes mini synopsis of your creative and then put into practice process for all that goes into a single class?

Thank you!


Feb 16 at 07:09 AM

Oh wow! This is a joyful dancey composition of movement and music. I loved the unique combos and incorporation of so many moves. Our global fam is the best ever and I must say we have the best taste! and Marnie you are a master weaver. Thank you!


Feb 14 at 05:40 PM

AHHH!! Oh my goodness Megan!!!! I am so over the moon happy for you!! So so so much love dear friend 💗

I have no pregnancy mbody advice from a personal experience as Eli is now almost 11yo. I hadn’t found mbody or anything so supportive to health, wellness, and true fitness longevity before, when I was pregnant, or after. But this I know to be true; nothing prepares your body physically for pregnancy like mbody.

Keep listening to your body, you have become so skilled at that. I’ve watched you strengthen and hone that skill over the past 3+yrs.

Allow the fear to come as it will and work to ride those waves of it, and land on doing what you feel is best mentally and physically for you each moment; that will turn into days and weeks and months. No one knows your body but you. And no one knows your body plus your sweet baby boy. That one is all yours to navigate and you’ve got this mama 💗

Amanda Powell I love that you found it! I fall down major determined rabbit holes when that happens to me 😆

Amanda Powell ah ha! Maybe planks and pushups?


Amanda Powell the one from Knockout Sweat 279?! I LOVE that move!


Any combo, the more choreo and changes the better!, especially those that involve arabesque, front and back :)


Feb 14 at 09:08 AM

Hi Rebecca H ! I would say try the push ups using your barre or stable surface instead of the floor and do the jacks and high knees instead of mt climbers 🙂

Feb 13 at 12:37 PM

Done! 💗