Lindsey J

24 Mar 10:08

Oh yes, I love this description Amanda, you are spot on; it’s softer but no less connected 🤍

20 Mar 09:39

Such a dynamic fun class with lunge combos, single arm weight series, and ball under feet combos. It is a more dancey and flowy class than a firey meditative barre work class; and it’s joyful (oh hi puppies 🥹❤️), definitely loved it.


Commented on M/<45 CHAIR DANCE /447

19 Mar 17:12

Oh my, this was fantastic 🤩I absolutely loved it! So much fun learning new choreo. Marnie, your creativity is astounding and clearly has no limits. You have surprised and amazed me yet again. It is oh so appreciated!


15 Mar 16:22

True blue stretch class with amazing new lunge and hip flows, loved it

Commented on M/<45 SIGNATURE /291

12 Mar 06:09

I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve done this class, it’s so good! It’s a little bit of everything with nothing overworked or strained, great playlist, and Lyndsay Rush ‘A Bit Much’ to close

09 Mar 16:25

Absolutely loved the surprise cardio kick series and weighted abs to end; SO GOOD! And the poem 🤍 Thank you again Marnie, for your creation of a class that allows us to be empowered by dance and flow and grounding strength, not strain and stress and depletion.


09 Mar 16:07

Hi Lee! I had the same thought after hearing it and went on a search. It’s called I Am A Woman of Distinction by Janne Robinson, the full piece can be found if you google it :)


07 Mar 03:25

Rebecca H you’re welcome! ❤️

Get Up Get Out, Born Dirty jstlbby (I can still feel those empowering kicks from the XXX class “you are the mother F’ing Queen” and also see our Brittney Claridades with the biggest smiles when it came on from her IG)

You Don’t Own Me, Saygrace (because you sure don’t 🙌)

Hi! I appreciate all of the variety in the curriculum from the types of classes. Variety from variation of sequencing, new choreo and prop use, lengths and focus groups, themed and non themed music, all of it! I request that you keep doing what you are doing because it’s amazing, truly!
