
Feb 27 at 05:20 AM

Fun new creative choreography with the ball! Hips get stretched out, and legs/balance is challenged on the ball throughout class - in the beginning the thighs feel the fire, and the booty series on the floor really brought my focus to my core and stabilizing muscles. It was such a great challenge that I want to come back to because I came out a few times. Lovely ending stretch that my body thanked me for. And I loved learning about the importance of the stretch with the ball under our shoulder blades! Going to start incorporating that into my days!


Feb 20 at 05:57 AM

Dana this is so beautifully said!! Trusting our bodies' innate wisdom ❤️ A good reminder for me today. 

Feb 06 at 04:45 PM

Omg YES! It brought me right back to this movie called "Coda" where I first heard the song. Absolutely beautiful!! 

Feb 06 at 04:44 PM

These 30 minutes FLEW by! Great use of weights, with some lunge work, and then floor work with the added weight and a bit of side work.

Feb 05 at 06:13 AM

Definitely more of a flowy class - yoga inspired at the beginning, some warming hip, leg and arm movements. I felt like a dancer in some of the extension moves, and the plank/side plank work was engaging and fun and doable! Felt more whole core than "ab crunching/inducing" the whole time. A favorite that I'm definitely coming back to! Oh, and as Caroline mentioned below, I LOVED touching my tummy and playfully, curiously, discovering it instead of judging it. Massive mindset shift, in the best way. My mind felt clear and delighted, and I want to work to live in that space. Thank you Marnie!

Feb 05 at 06:11 AM

Caroline, I read this before doing the workout this morning, and I LOVED it too!! I felt in a space of discovery instead of judgement, which was so freeing for my mind. 


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Feb 04 at 05:43 AM

Arms were challenging! Some moments I stepped out of the fire, instead of leaning in, so I want to come back and lean into the wide second moments. Same with some of the side work at the barre. Lovely signature class! Thank you Marnie!


Jan 21 at 07:40 AM

How have I not done this one before?! Pure JOY! The arms were a challenge this morning, and I really enjoyed the different choreography at the barre - definitely brought me into the fire! Favoriting and plan to come back to this one! And, as previous comments have said, an absolute incredible playlist!

Jan 20 at 09:48 AM

Fun no equipment workout. Definitely makes the booty WORK! And the ab section at the end... hello stomach! Bummed I couldn't be there live, but I felt the energy, excitement, and salt water healing with all the names on the Zoom. Channeled the energy of this community to lean into the fire and not give up in moments of challenge. Fingers crossed I can make the next Zoom workout whenever it is. 


Jan 17 at 06:58 AM

This was perfect for a cycle day - thank you for this description Monique! A lovely way to start the day 😊