Nicole M

Oxford, United Kingdom

Mar 03 at 02:18 AM

Awww Jenny this is lovely thank you for sharing!

Commented on Work out buddy

Mar 03 at 02:17 AM

Oh my gosh the tongue!!!! So sweet

Mar 03 at 02:02 AM

An all time favourite ❤️

Mar 02 at 01:25 AM

One of my all time favourites too! C

Replied on Favourites

Feb 24 at 12:31 PM

Thank you so much! I love your descriptions of each and I can’t wait to try them! X

Replied on Favourites

Feb 24 at 12:30 PM

So we are perfect match! I struggle with the slower burn classes & stretch classes because it gives me time to think about life and I don’t like that lol. I highly recommend Halloween sweat 147 for you. No big jumps, and no jumping jacks. Did this class today and I love the stretch/words at the end which I usually struggle to sit still during.

Commented on Favourites

Feb 24 at 12:26 PM

Thank you for all your lovely comments! *For me it’s 60: rise up & 00s themed but I tend to automatically love all the 60 sig classes… I love 45s as well. They are mostly focus classes and long enough to really get deep into that focus! My fave is abs&arms 205… 30s I don’t do often as they feel too short but then again sweat 150 is my favourite 30 and my all time fave of all the videos!…20 is standing core dance (it doesn’t have a number as it wasn’t a live class, but it’s the one just before 111) & healing hips 121. So I always tend to circulate between these guys. X

Replied on Favourites

Feb 24 at 12:23 PM

Thank you I’ll try this one asap ❤️

Feb 24 at 12:15 PM

Yes I love this! Suggested it via insta a little while ago actually!

Commented on March challenge?

Feb 22 at 10:55 AM

Hi Julie! Are you newish to the platform? :) if so I highly recommend the resilliance guide from last year July!!! It’s 21 days long