
Mar 21 at 10:20 AM

So nice to meet you as well! Thank you for those kind words, and it’s so awesome to hear other people have had a similar experience. Would definitely love to Zoom - hope the weather is starting to warm up in your neck of the woods!

Mar 21 at 10:17 AM

Thanks Jessica!! 🙏🏻

Commented on Barre wall update

Mar 20 at 02:49 PM

LOVE the wallpaper!!! What an amazing transformation!!


Mar 19 at 03:36 PM

Hey all! In honor of today’s challenge, I’m posting a selfie here as I don’t typically use social media! Just wanted to say how unbelievably grateful I am for this community. I’m relatively new to Marnie and M Body (discovered her on Popsugar during Covid, but committed to paying at the beginning of this year), and she has really been changing my life over the past weeks. The meditations have stayed with me and my thought processes are starting to change and become more positive. Did the live a few hours after it was recorded today, and it turned my whole day around. Was feeling sluggish and lonely, but feel so much better now! Amazing what 60 minutes on the mat can do. I’ve also noticed my back is stronger and I’m doing entire push up and ab sequences without breaks.

I’m not sure if this has been done before, but I would love to meet some of you via Zoom and in person. Sending love from DC!


Commented on Day 12!

Mar 16 at 10:57 AM

Simona me too! At work during the day, so I alternate these live days as well. Absolutely LOVED the playlist this morning (and the fam faves moves!). Definitely adding this playlist to my Spotify!

Mar 14 at 10:24 AM

Totally with you on the planks!

Mar 14 at 09:03 AM

Yes! Hamstrings are definitely feeling it!


Mar 14 at 09:02 AM

It’s two fold for me! 1. Fully commit to the meditative moments during 4 sets of 8, or longer series/tough moments… remember to breathe, center myself, and focus on my strength. 2. Whenever pushups or planks come, don’t dread them or roll my eyes, but say « I GET to do this! What an honor to move my body in this way. I am so strong! »

Happy week all! So grateful for this community! ❤️