
Commented on Letting it go

Mar 27 at 06:33 AM

Love this. Be the witness, not the judge. Thank you for the beautiful reminder ❤️


Mar 26 at 08:22 PM

First, I absolutely loved today’s class! Fiery arm sequence and the video at the end brought me such joy. It was so special to put faces to names and listen to everyone’s messages. ❤️

Second, today’s additional wellness challenge. 2 things came to mind - 1. Letting go of where I think I should be in my career/feeling behind. I’m only a few years in (25 years old), but am working to move to another field where I have little concrete experience. I feel a pressure, likely exacerbated while living in DC, to constantly move up the corporate ladder. I want to remind myself that that’s not what life is about, and I don’t need to constantly strive for upward mobility. I want to focus instead on growth and moving towards what feels right, not moving up for the sake of moving up. 2. Letting go of what I think my body should look like and becoming more in tune with how it feels. Thank you Marnie for this constant, vital reminder!


Commented on M/<20 TOWEL DANCE

Mar 21 at 10:28 AM

Much sweatier than I expected and really enjoyed the towel!!

Mar 21 at 10:26 AM

❤️❤️ This message made my morning!!

Mar 21 at 10:26 AM

Thank you Emily! So cool you’re in LA - DYING to do an in person M Body class whenever that happens and also meet Marnie!!

Mar 21 at 10:24 AM

Thank you Monique! Awesome to know you’re close by!

Mar 21 at 10:23 AM

Thank you Liisa! I hadn’t thought about that before, so thank you for sharing!! So happy to be part of this Global Fam! 🎉

Mar 21 at 10:22 AM

Thanks Megan! ❤️❤️

Mar 21 at 10:22 AM

Thank you Lindsey! So cool to know you’re in the same boat. Say hello to Maine for me! My grandparents used to live there and I need to go back!

Mar 21 at 10:20 AM

Thank you Danni!! ❤️❤️❤️