Cass Pfender

Saint Paul, MN, United States

May 27 at 12:12 PM

A leave it on the mat workout. There are some videos that I will not make it through if I’m holding on to anything else, if I can’t let it go and put 100% into this moment. This is one. This practice with Marnie always leaves us feeling better, but for me, this is a standout 30 for flushing out and feeling genuinely renewed and refreshed.

May 03 at 12:39 PM

I LOVE THIS!!🤣❤️❤️❤️


Apr 15 at 12:16 PM

Focus on Hydration: during Saturday’s live we touched on the Week 1 wellness goal of adding a mason jar of water after our morning jar-o-lemon water and I promised Rochelle a picture of my “skinny” ball jar. I have two of these 2-cup jars in my rotation and keep one of them with me at all times when I’m home. They make achieving my daily hydration goals so easy! Hope you’re all having a fantastic Challenge Day 1!! xoxo


Apr 07 at 12:14 PM

YES please come to the upper Midwest!! *Minneapolis/St Paul* are entering their loveliest months and aren’t as expensive to fly to/stay in as some of the bigger cities!!

Mar 11 at 11:14 AM

Jessi my sweet friend! Gosh do I wish I could hop in my car and drive over for an irl hug!! Life is so much, both good and bad, and there’s no instruction manual on how to get through the hardest parts. This practice and this community helped me through a few of the most difficult years of my adult life and I am so glad you’re choosing to be vulnerable (which takes true strength)! Some of the Marnie-isms that carried me (and continue to do so) through the day-to-day difficulties, emotions, situations, and choices were: 1) I can do hard things (repeat again and again, because sweetheart it’s true!!) 2) Comfort is a cage and the door isn’t even locked (choosing the potential contained in the unknown, any unknown, over something comfortably familiar but perhaps no longer of service is an act of radical self-love) 3) Balance is a verb + 4) All the colors (the journey IS the destination and you are here to be fully, authentically you in every hue of your glorious self!) Love you!!xo

Mar 07 at 05:08 PM


I took a screenshot of this in November 2022. I still have it in my Favorites and I have lost count of the number of times I have reread it.❤️


Dec 04 at 08:55 PM

This is beautiful. Happy happy birthday Tanisha!!💗So grateful I get to be a part of this amazing community with you!


Nov 29 at 08:39 AM

This is SO fantastic, Jessica!! I love it!! Happy happy birthday and here’s to a fabulous next trip around the sun!!xoxo

Nov 25 at 01:42 PM

Nothing better than a live with mama! Sending love to you both!❤️

Nov 25 at 01:41 PM

Bad ass!! Have such a great season, Kristin!! I may be adding this to my bucket list…😘🙌
