Cass Pfender

Saint Paul, MN, United States


Sep 19 at 09:09 AM

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I got to hug this absolute force of a woman last night and my heart is SO full!! Faith you are such an amazing musician, human, and soul sister (not a cult😂)!! Faith Kelly Bette Watkins Pfender



Apr 15 at 12:16 PM

Focus on Hydration: during Saturday’s live we touched on the Week 1 wellness goal of adding a mason jar of water after our morning jar-o-lemon water and I promised Rochelle a picture of my “skinny” ball jar. I have two of these 2-cup jars in my rotation and keep one of them with me at all times when I’m home. They make achieving my daily hydration goals so easy! Hope you’re all having a fantastic Challenge Day 1!! xoxo



Oct 19 at 09:30 PM

Trigger warning - anesthesia-related trauma

Hi fam,
Gosh I miss being with you all at our lives!! I hope you’re all practicing some self care, hitting the mat when you can, and always being in the light. ❤️❤️ Can’t wait to be back together in November!!
I could really use some love tomorrow (Friday). I’m going to have my deviated septum fixed. It’s been a long time coming, and honestly the commitment I have made to my health through this incredible community has played a big role in me deciding to finally just get it done (that and hitting our deductible this year😉). It’s a pretty straightforward, outpatient procedure (although they do have to break my nose to fix the underlying problem!😵‍💫), but eight years ago, when my sweet mini Cassidy came into this world, I was under-anesthetized for an unplanned c-section. I’m sure you can imagine how traumatic that was, and it has made this feel like a reeeeeally big deal. Anyway, knowing that my fam is sending some love and light my way would mean so so much. I’m going to be away from the mat for a little while, but I have to say that the recent post with suggestions for avoiding inversions as well as the coming back from being sick suggestions are going to be my go-to as I continue healing! Feeling our entanglement. 💫
Love you all bunches and bunches!!xoxo



May 09 at 06:32 PM

Upper body strength has never been a, uh, strength of mine, so when I arrived in this wonderful community during deep lockdown and resorted to soup cans (ok ok, tomato paste cans), I was able to tell myself I was starting at a reasonable place given the circumstances. Some time later (we don’t need to get into specifics), I moved from my 8oz pasties to whopping 14.5oz diced tomatoes. That’s right. Don’t be intimidated - you too can have a vegetable-based workout. Today, almost half way through my third year as an M/Body subscriber I finally took the plunge and treated myself to real, big girl weights! Not quite sure how to feel about being able to fit my hand all the way around my weights, but know for sure I’ll be missing the familiar sloshing sound during those straight-arm shakes at the end of weight sections! 😂



Jan 12 at 07:06 AM

Today is my Koda’s golden birthday!! ❤️ We agreed the best way for her to kick things off was a nap. Hope all our fur baby friends are having a similarly relaxing day!



Dec 28 at 03:27 PM

I hope you’re having a great last week of 2022, fam!! I’m planning workouts for the next few days and struggling with which one to kick off 2023. Definitely planning to do one of the meditations, but I’d love to layer something else in too. So, how should we start our year??



Dec 16 at 09:29 PM

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I can’t get my pictures to show up with my longer post so here they are!


Dec 16 at 09:27 PM

I did my first 60-day M/Body challenge in spring 2021. Before that the idea of working out every day, of that level of physical activity, of carving out that time just for me every single day was literally beyond anything I had even considered. But Marnie and this amazing fam put it out there and I gave it a shot. I finished 60 out of 60 and changed in ways both physically and emotionally that I had honestly given up on. I’ve gratefully participated in every challenge since and I managed to do 59 out of 60 this time! Having this place to come to each day has been really therapeutic during one of the most difficult times in my life and I am so thankful for the daily release and mantras that have literally reshaped my life. ❤️



Nov 01 at 11:46 AM

M/Body minis Cassidy and Freyja pounded out an entire mile of trick-or-treating last night and we were talking about how lucky it is that we’ve been “doing our Marnies” so they were strong enough to carry their heavy candy bags! 😂 Hope all our M/ini friends and fam had a wonderful Halloween!! ❤️



Sep 27 at 08:00 PM

So many of your posts have spoken to where I was at that time or supplied just the right words for that day, and each time I’ve been so thankful that you put your thoughts and yourself out there. I came across this quote a couple weeks ago, and it felt like the Universe was whispering to me. I’ve wanted to share it here in case one of you, sweet fam, might need these words as much as I, but I just kept feeling too shy. I’m working on that. I’m doing a lot of renewing, reclaiming, and holding on these days. I’m also working really hard on some incredibly painful but deeply healthy letting go. Some days it feels impossible. And yet, some days it feels like freedom. The simple fact is that we are all holding on. And letting go. We will keep going. We will keep balancing. I’m so incredibly grateful to be healing, growing, and balancing with each and every one of you. ❤️