Claudia M

Milan, Italy


Apr 07 at 10:40 AM

A huge shout out to our international community and to the standing workouts playlist!
I want to thank Marnie and the M/BODY team for keeping improving the platform, making it even more useful and perfect! For the past two weeks, having the standing workouts playlist has been a breakthrough! So I was able to train easily and consistently even in my small Parisian flat 🥰
And there could not have been a better way to celebrate 4 years of M/Body than a lunch with Daniela in the Ville Lumière.
Happy 4 years M/Body and to many more anniversaries to come✨



Aug 15 at 10:02 AM

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Hello Marnie, hello Fam!
Here my analogic boards: I’ve completed 53 workouts and 48 wellness activities!
Most important, I’ve reached my personal goal to stay focused on my mental and physical wellness during this challenging summer. Reaching almost daily the mat helped me to create a “no worries, no bad thoughts” space and to take care of myself. It was important to give me the strenght and energy for taking care of my family in tough weeks.
Thank you for showing up for me, for the messages, for the Barbie class, for encourage me to journal. I will always be grateful for this method and community 🤍
Congratulations challengers: WE DID IT!!!



Jul 22 at 01:30 PM

What a beautiful class today!

Filled with smiles and positive vibes, just what I needed after a personal hard week. As some of you already know, my husband had surgery and is still recovering. We still don’t know what the future will bring to us but keep thinking positive.

Today’s live was a healing moment for me, as every time I reached the mat over the past weeks. I’m following the Summer challenge as best as I can, and it helps me so much in detox body and mind from bad thoughts and toxins, focusing on the moment.

I cannot thank enough everyone in the Fam who showed up for me, sending lovely words. You were precious, I really felt your warm hugs.

Thank you Marnie for this Barbie class, it was a gift ✨

Love you all!




Jun 19 at 04:23 AM

Ciao Marnie, ciao Fam,

my personal goals for the Summer Challenge are:

  1. Be on the mat constantly to remind to take care of myself.
  2. Don’t judge my body or compare it to anyone else’s. Accept that I am special and unique just the way I am.
  3. Journal every day. Even 5 minutes counts.

Sending all my love from Sicily✨




Mar 11 at 11:34 AM

Thank you Marnie, thank you Fam!

I really felt all your energy reaching me here in Italy! Have a great weekend ✨



Feb 04 at 12:48 PM

Hi fam, Hi Marnie and Danni,

I’m so thankful to have been there with you all today!

The core sequence on the floor was not easy for my back… I’ll definetely come back to this class soon. And the final words touched my soul deeply. Could you share them here, please?

Enjoy the rest of your weekend Fam, I’ve missed you on January (I’m always on the mat but a little bit silent) hope to reconnect quicky on February.





Dec 13 at 10:13 AM

This 5th challenge was my “private” one and definetely the hardest I’ve completed so far. The last months have been so hard both for my body and mind, so reaching 45days of workouts it’s a huge goal.

I’ve molded these boards to my needs, jumping from a day to another and choosing classes that fitted my schedule in a better way. Doing so, I’ve been completely true to me…

Today I’m still not in my better place but I’m deeply grateful for the spirit and energy M/Body, Marnie and the Fam give me, day after day.

Congratulations challengers!



Dec 03 at 12:36 PM

“You have the power to create change”

“We bend, so not break”

These mantras have held me together for the past two years and every day they keep being an inspiration.

They remind me to accept change but at the same time not to suffer it passively, to always try to be proactive and positive.

These days it is also my M/Body anniversary and if I look back at the past 24 months my heart is filled with gratitude. Not only I have an healthier and stronger body, but my heart is richer thanks to the wonderful people I have met on this journey and whom I hope to hug soon here in Italy.

To the special women who were already here in 2020, to all the others who joined later, to Marnie, to Danni, to the whole M/Body crew:





Nov 05 at 03:56 PM

Hi fam, happy Saturday!

I’ve been missing our live lately, but today I really felt the energy coming out from my screen and enjoyed every moment of that IRL class, as if I was there✨

I’ve also taken the time to reflect on my first board: I’ve completed 14 days out of 20. I’m not totally happy but I’d work on this feeling and try to be a little bit prouder of myself for reaching the mat even in an hectic month with work trips and hard days. I’ve tried to embrace the “letting go” theme and let go expectations and hard self judgement.

And I keep on trying to remember myself of always be in the light!



Oct 15 at 11:42 AM

Hello Fam, I’m so happy to start this new challenge with all of you.

This is my 5th and my goal is to complete at least 45 days.