Cara Sheprow

Commented on Love a challenge photo

Oct 18 at 09:19 AM

Does this mean as my kids get older we can workout together?? Inspiring!!

Commented on Stay true to you!

Oct 18 at 09:18 AM

Love this photo!

Oct 18 at 09:17 AM

Woohoo!! Love these goals they're inspiring!

Oct 18 at 09:16 AM

Welcome Mayo!! I think it's a half a large lemon or one small lemon? Folks chime in if I'm wrong!! I can't drink lemon juice so I just do water :-). The challenge is flexible so you can do what's best for you!

Oct 15 at 11:48 AM

Congratulations! Make sure you're taking time to heal! I've got three kiddos and know that feeling of wanting to get back to myself. Thinking of you on your journey we'll be here when you're ready, but no rush!!

Oct 15 at 11:45 AM

So fun to meet some of you this am! Thanks Sowanny!


Oct 15 at 11:44 AM

I've been a member since Aug 2020, and before that I did the pop sugar workouts a bazillion times. This is the fourth challenge I'm committing to! Before that I thought it would be too hard to align my workouts with the boards in my SAHP lifestyle with 3 kids.

I realized I was thinking about it too strictly! Now that I've given myself grace to do them the best that I can, I find the challenges motivating and encouraging! I just wake up, put on my workout clothes and know I'll be ready when there's a quiet(ish) moment.

So fun to see some of you in the Zoom today.

I'm going for at least 45 workouts this challenge!

Psyched!! So grateful for all of you!!

Jul 24 at 11:06 AM

Part 2: this was a perfect workout after a long break! Glad to be back to it! ๐Ÿ˜„

Jul 24 at 11:05 AM

Getting back to work outs after travel and Covid!