October 17, 2022

Hi fam! I was camping last weekend so I missed the first couple days of the challenge but I am super excited to get started! I’ll be going for 45/60 workouts this time around. This is my 6th challenge!! I cant believe how far I’ve (and the whole global fam!) have come since the first challenge in May of 2020! My super goals for this challenge are:

  1. Get to bed on time so I can get up on time to do my workouts!

  2. Enjoy/prioritize the shorter workouts! I’m a 60 minute junkie and tend to be an “all or nothing” person (which lately has meant a lot of nothing). A quick trip to the mat is better than no trip to the mat!

  3. Work on my push-ups. I lost a lot of ground last winter after injuring my elbow. Time to get some strength back!