Emily Jeffers

Commented on Goals 🤠

Jun 20 at 11:48 PM

I’m going for early mornings too ❤️

Commented on Summer Challenge Day 1

Jun 18 at 03:44 AM

Me too. 1 day behind so I can do it uk morning time. But with you al ❤️

Jun 13 at 11:51 PM

How was it? I also missed that one. Last pride 60 is a favourite. Going to go for it tomorrow!

Jun 13 at 11:50 PM

Made 2 of 5 this morning. Proud of myself as dealing with hormonal migraines last couple of days. We got this gang! Love to all. ❤️

Jun 12 at 04:37 AM

Needed this little push today! I also missed the live this week so going to kick off my 5 with that 👊

Jun 10 at 01:31 AM

5 out of 5 for me too! Have managed them all first thing too which is another aim for me. Love to all xxx

Jun 07 at 09:51 PM

Love to you and little one x

Jun 07 at 03:08 AM

Go Chantale! I’m on 3 of 5 this week. Might do posture perfect tomorrow🥰working out first thing really helping resilience for an epic building project I’m n the middle of

Jun 05 at 12:44 AM

So starting week 2. Managed 4 last week. But… still here and starting strong for week 2! Love to all Emily x

Commented on Movement balls

Jun 04 at 03:23 AM

Ooo I would love some. Enjoy! Has anyone got tips on movement balls for UK - last time I tried the shipping was too much I think? Thanks!