Emily Jeffers


19 Mar 11:13

Hi fam! I just had such a powerful workout experience I have to share! Fullbody flow 380.I have something going on which is causing me such anxiety and as soon as I got into the workout I felt this big rush of anger. And I kind of realised that as a 'nice girl' this is not an emotion I really allow myself to be in so it was getting all twisted up as out of control anxiety. The situation is still a mess but at least now I am not all knotted up and there is something about this anger energy which is very dynamic and maybe what I need to sort stuff out. Those are my thoughts! plus I get a shout in workout 380 which is always nice 😍


09 Mar 10:40

Oh wow! That is a fun one. If anyone else is wondering whether they have the energy the joy will carry you through!


09 Mar 09:31

OK. Been a while since I did a 60 minute! Slow recovery from a viral thing and feeling nervous. But I am going to go for it on playback now. Wish me luck gang 🥰

Yes this would be amazing for me with my stiff lower back too!


03 Feb 23:16

Hello everyone! Has anyone got any good adjustments to share for crunches lying on your back. My lower back is quite stiff so I can’t get a good core connection when doing crunches with ball behind my belly button (my back arches straight away) and my shoulders hunch if I roll the ball more between shoulder blades. I am not sure how to progress this one. Would appreciate any thoughts and advice ❤️ Have a great Tuesday everyone!!!


03 Feb 23:10

Added to calendar for after work later today !

Love to everyone in LA xxxx


05 Jan 01:44

Yep catching up now too. Happy new year everyone ❤️

24 Dec 01:13

My fellow Emily! I'm really glad you're back. xxx


22 Dec 02:15

Hello ❤️ welcome back! I am in London… I am trying to remember the workout where marnie gives a shout out to UK fam ‘our UK fam is strong’ . Will post it when I find it ❤️