Emily Jeffers


Nov 17 at 04:17 AM

Hi everyone, I am finally back from injury and wanting to plan some work outs for next week. Can anyone tell me how to view the calendar from web browser? I am probably missing something! Emily



Oct 17 at 10:09 AM

View from my bed. Pulled my sacro iliac in a side lunge and been getting lower back pain since so not managing the challenge which is sad! Have managed some stretch classes and posture classes. My dad got a cancer diagnosis a few weeks ago so I know a lot is a stress response. If anyone has tips and adjustments for working out safely with stiff lower back please send my way! Virtual
Hugs also appreciated. Love to all from London, Emily x



Jun 01 at 01:49 AM

This is me for at least the next 2 weeks. I am recovering from a burn injury and need to spend my time seated with my leg raised to have any hope of healing without surgery. The physio has said I need to do short burst of normal working to keep things moving but proper work outs are out. Has anyone got any advice on how I can keep my M/BODY sessions going during this time? I am thinking seated adaptations, and upper body work. Argh. Any thoughts appreciated….❤️❤️❤️



Mar 26 at 12:16 AM

My movement balls are here! Thank you Marnie and Katelyn for sending them over the ocean to me ❤️ My tense lower back is loving them for sit ups. Only problem is the children keep trying to steal them 😘



Mar 19 at 12:22 AM

Sugar free challenge. Exhibit A. My children’s treat box. I really would like to cut sugar out of my diet - not natural sugars - processed sugar, but every day I try and every day I fail. Why is it so hard 😂 Would anyone like to do this together in a kind of supportive mini challenge? xxxx



Jan 23 at 09:53 AM

30 min faves!

Hi everyone I am doing a lot of 30 mins workouts in the morning before work at the moment. What are your favourites? Thanks for the inspiration!



Jan 01 at 03:41 AM

Happy new year from sunny england! Just completed last year’s new year detox class. Ready to enter the day with lightness and resilience. What would I do without my ‘marnies’. Best wishes to all x



Jul 30 at 03:47 AM

To anyone who like me has gone way off the board with the challenge last few weeks - life has got so busy and chaotic - BUT… is still making it to the mat! Proud of us! Messy but still present! And looking forwards to catching up with all the new lives when I have a chance 😍



Jun 24 at 01:09 AM

Did the 60 min as my catch up felt like an emotional one for me. Late to the party with my goals but here they are-

  • working out first thing. hopefully with a little meditation before.

  • more paper books less screen time (except you guys)

  • cherishing the time I have with the people I love

Love from London to all of you!

Emily x



May 13 at 06:18 AM

Hi everyone, I have been using the curable app to help with anxiety - related migraines. I found this meditation really powerful. It fits perfectly with the making space theme so thought I would share it. Love to all, Emily x
