Emily Jeffers

Jul 13 at 11:31 AM

Love the fringe look really suits you!

Jul 05 at 01:07 AM

Lovely to read how everyone is in relationship to the challenge. I get quite out of synch as I can rarely make the lives, and I had to swap in a 30 min this week. I knew if I set myself the 60 min I wouldn’t make it to the mat. But then when I rejoined the board later in the week it felt like an elastic springing me back into place with everyone still there waiting for me. Love to all ❤️

Jul 05 at 01:03 AM

Over the last few months I’ve often felt like my body is too heavy and tight with stress to move. I think my mind feels like it has to hold on even more. Anxiety is so exhausting. I found that telling myself ‘just do 30 mins’ was the best way to remind myself that moving made me feel better afterwards. Maybe that means making your own programme for a while and that’s ok 👍 xxx

Commented on Gratitude

Jul 01 at 09:13 AM

Looks like heaven!

Jun 29 at 10:40 AM

Just sent my partner to the shop for tortilla chips to go with our…. Texas caviar for dinner 🥰

Jun 26 at 01:45 PM

Ooo I might try it too!

Commented on Goals

Jun 25 at 08:14 AM

Such a pleasure getting to know all of you 🥰


Jun 24 at 01:09 AM

Did the 60 min as my catch up felt like an emotional one for me. Late to the party with my goals but here they are-

  • working out first thing. hopefully with a little meditation before.

  • more paper books less screen time (except you guys)

  • cherishing the time I have with the people I love

Love from London to all of you!

Emily x


Commented on 🥰

Jun 22 at 08:39 AM

You started our 5 workouts challenge at such the right time for me when I needed a little push ❤️ THANKYOU. I also haven’t made it each week but it motivated me to try again the next week. Plus, family camping, great reason to miss some sessions xxx ps ‘mum is doing her Marnie’ is a bit of a catch phrase in our house 🤣

Commented on Hello again! 🌷

Jun 20 at 11:48 PM

Welcome back!