Amanda Powell

Bellingham, WA, United States

Hi!! I'm a photographer, artist, mother, and ever hopeful that I will one day make it to an IRL class with Marnie and the fam!

Mar 02 at 03:12 PM

This class is all kinds of challenge and insanity. I didn't see it coming! At first, it was so incredibly hard and I was cursing my gliders (lovingly of course) during standing. BUT, seeing Marnie take a break during the plank routine humanized the intensity. By the end, I felt encouraged to return to this, despite the hard hard stuff. It seems to me, working to be strong enough to get through this intense 45min is a super healthy goal for the entire body, so that's my target. 


Feb 25 at 06:01 PM

This class was one of the most challenging signatures in a while. And one I almost stopped, given tiredness and personal goings on.. but I made it through, and those words at the end broke me down in such a beautiful way, and allowed the emotional release I needed. There is light, be in light, be the light. Thank you so much, Marnie, Katelyn, and the energy of the fam.


Feb 20 at 11:16 AM

This has a hardcore pilates ending.. lots of balance work at the end. Something to work on and return to! Also, super fun dancing parts!

Feb 10 at 09:06 AM

And, I have one day a week where I still get up at 5:30, but don’t do a workout and do something else. Like work on my art, plan the garden, or enjoy my coffee in a quiet house. I think the idea is removing as much friction as you can, so that this something you WANT to do. I’m not in a good state if I don’t do these workouts, and so, I recognize that for me, it’s far less friction to just get up and do them and start the day well, rather than keep sleeping, not do my workout, and have a rotten day. BUT again, You’ve got to find what works and is worth it for you!

Feb 10 at 09:02 AM

I love your outfit, first off. Secondly, I started getting up at 5:30 last September to workout, when my schedule demanded it. Im a person who needs sleep(not a night owl), but often stays up later just to have time with my family. If I can do this, I echo everyone else and say that you can too. Lindsey, our early morning queen, really hit the nail on the head with finding out what works for you. I’m one of those people who needs to workout with no food, otherwise I feel sluggish and heavy. So, I get up at 5:30, drink my lemon water, then go do a workout. The first month was really hard, like REALLY hard. I felt like I was wasting my time, because I couldn’t connect as well as my later morning workouts. But our beautiful bodies adjust! It’s kind of amazing. I lay out my clothes the night before, have a general workout in mind, then sometimes, I change it in the morning if I’m feeling like what I picked isn’t matching how my body is feeling.

Jan 22 at 10:46 PM

I’m so glad you’re back, friend, and I love your grid of gorgeous photos. I’ve been doing the workouts, but missing lives and staying pretty quiet, because it’s what this season has needed. Here’s to us listening to renewal, whatever it means! 🥂


Jan 13 at 04:45 PM

I should have known this would be a tough one with Posture Power in the title. This is a place I need to return to for growth, without a doubt. Lots of back power, but a really nice supportive ab series too. I'm loving M/body 2024 thus far!


Jan 05 at 10:20 PM

I think it would be really REALLY cool to revisit the choreography of the very first 30min Pop Sugar video where so many of us found and fell in love with this method. I know I’m one of the many who did that video SO many times! Just a fun, sentimental thought!

Dec 27 at 02:09 PM

It’s so helpful to stumble across them.. I’ve had that happen on multiple occasions after 3.5 years with mbody. 🫶🏻 good to know someone else does it too

Dec 22 at 05:23 PM

I’m a 10am gal, on the west coast, and can’t often make the 9am because of school drop off, so 10am is so much better for me.
