Amanda Powell

Bellingham, WA, United States

Hi!! I'm a photographer, artist, mother, and ever hopeful that I will one day make it to an IRL class with Marnie and the fam!

Apr 25 at 06:27 AM

this one was a tough one for me. I had to break during the planks, which may have to do with trying to do every single one of these workouts for the challenge. I've found historically that 5 workouts is good for me weekly, and any more ends up wearing me out, given I have a super active job/life. I may need to do 25 in stead of the full 30. All this wordiness to say, what Marnie talks about at the beginning of this class is SUPER important for us "all of nothing" girls. This whole method isn't designed to for you to do everything always. It is designed for mindfulness, those grey areas, those spaces of duality where sometimes we say NO and those are just as important as the times we say YES. I can admit I still struggle here, especially when we get a smaller challenge board where I internally go "Ima do it all!" It's a journey, friends.

Apr 17 at 12:55 PM

This class felt incredibly restorative. Some times I'm not quite warm enough for the stretch classes, but this one makes sure to warm you AND stretch you. I woke up very sore, very stressed from some work stuff, and on my period, and this was exactly perfect..


Apr 14 at 10:55 AM

the beautiful thing about these more challenging classes is the encouragement to play. I love the different color leg warmers (ANYBODY have recommendations for leg warmers??), love the message, and am running to Spotify to find that gorgeous song during the stretch. 


Mar 21 at 06:22 PM

Yes yes yes and I love your photo Ali! It screams freedom ❤️

Mar 18 at 07:00 PM

You’ve come to the right space. I can’t imagine your loss, but know we are here!


Mar 18 at 06:59 PM

Beautiful! Congrats so much on such an adventure with a happy ending… or rather a happy beginning 🥰


Mar 17 at 09:14 AM

This class was pure ballet power. It brings on the sweat like crazy. Low impact, but bounce options, you will feel your legs and glutes with this one. ALSO-anyone know what headband Marnie is wearing? My headbands are wearing out, and I love this one.


Mar 13 at 05:13 PM

LOVE seeing a face to who we all wished a happy birthday 🤗


Mar 12 at 09:58 PM

Adorable. I love this so much, you adventurer you!

Mar 12 at 09:57 PM


M/Body makes me feel like I'm allowed to take up space, expand heart first, make time for those deep breaths. I can show up as who I am, my best self, and I'm worthy of showing up. Being a photographer and artist, I couldn't help but share a self portrait from the fall, when I was going through a particularly busy time. I made space to stop and express myself.. and I feel courage to share it here because of the magic that is M/body and the love that is this community. I just..really love you all, even though we've never met IRL.