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  in  🌎 globalfam
February 28
• Edited (Feb 28, 2025)

Hi Fam!! Given we may have some new curriculum headed our way, and because periodically I've seen related questions asked, I thought it might be nice to share some equipment I use that I love. First up is this mat: I have an enthusiastic and aggressive tailbone which has always given me grief in any seated ab work, or really any time I sit period, even when I was a kid. This mat makes sit ups and boat pose possible, whereas before, I had major pain in these positions and couldn't do them because they caused my tailbone to break through the skin (sorry if this is TMI and intense, just hoping it's helpful). It does slip around, and it is a bit fragile, but I use it under my normal Manduka mat for cushion and it's fabulous.
Secondly, after almost five years of M/BODY I decided to buy a barre. I bought this freestanding one, per a recommendation from the fam: So far, I'm super happy with the quality. It's light, but does stay put on a concrete floor, and I've been able to successfully fairy jump without it slipping out from under me. I'm a 5'7, solid woman 🤣 and it handles my body weight like it's nothing.
And, lastly--if you're in the market for inexpensive hand weights, I've been super happy with my All Motion ones from Target. The quality for price can't be beat.
Anyone else have any tips or products they love for this work?

  in  🌎 globalfam
February 18

Did the recent ballet sculpt class and felt pleasantly worked over and not toxically tired. Yay progress! Still going to slowly work back up to 4 times a week like I originally wanted, but constantly reminding myself to PACE MYSELF and not overdo it has really helped. Being shown alternatives to moves really also helps with the misplaced guilt coming from going my pace instead of the Most Pace! So thank you!

  in  🌎 globalfam
February 16

The latest core connection class was the perfect workout for a snowy Sunday! ❄️ Hope everyone enjoys the day whatever the weather is where you are! ♥️

  in  🌎 globalfam
February 21

So fun to hang with everyone at the live on Wednesday! Mini Audrey said thanks for the shout out! ♥️

  in  🌎 globalfam
February 14

Long time no see Fam!! I’m back on the mat…with an m/body mini on the way!

I’m about 18 weeks pregnant-baby boy is due in July! 🥰

This is my first pregnancy and I was really worried about working out and doing yoga in the first trimester and honestly just felt so bad it wasn’t even an option, but I’m finally feeling better and have been craving my m/body movement!! I did the Palentine’s day class today and it was my first m/body class in months! The longest I had been since 2020!

For the other m/body mammas, what’s your best advice for working out while pregnant?! I’m constantly worried I’m going to do something to hurt the baby, but I’m trying to really focus in on just listening to and trusting my body!

  in  🌎 globalfam
March 04

Hello fam! I missed you!!!
Im.back to the mat after many months! I gave birth on November 17th and now I'm ready to get back on the sweat!
If you have tips on classes that might be more adapted for this period, I'll gladly try them. I had a cesarian birth, and some diastasis...
Me and my mini Stela are great!
Can't wait to be again with you on a live!

  in  🌎 globalfam
March 05
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hi gfam! just checking in to say hi and provide u with yet another photo of me and gill being cute LOL.

it’s been a long new england winter, and being with you all has absolutely made it fly by. the ice is melting, the air smells like spring, and gill and i are always happy to get back to the mat. we’re so looking forward to today’s live as we head into the back half of the week.

gill and i just spent our 4th valentine’s day together, and we realized this morning that we hit 2 years with M/Body in january. the time really flies when you’re having fun! thanks for being here with us as we conquer our mid- 20s. can’t imagine anyone else we’d rather do it with.

xoxo Sami and Gill

  in  🌎 globalfam
March 08

We woke up to a lovely blanket of snow in Albuquerque this morning. See you all in class a little later!

  in  🌎 globalfam
March 09

A quick reminder for the European fam that, since the clocks go forward in the US this weekend, the LIVEs will be one hour earlier for us for the rest of March until our clocks go forward at the end of the month. The times for this period are shown Upcoming LIVE Classes section.

Sending love to everyone, I hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend ❤️🌸✨

  in  🌎 globalfam
February 27

You are so strong and mighty! ♥️ This is what my 3 year old told me while I was working out with a baby strapped to me & another baby eating in the high chair, and I wanted to say the same to the global fam: YOU are so strong and mighty! ♥️