What a fabulous fam favorites class! This has the Signature flow of series of moves, but as mentioned by many there is a lot of up and down meaning down to the mat and up again but also during standing segments we are dropping it low. I felt like our arms were engaged a lot and I liked picking up our weights again at the end. The final cardio dance at the end with the Movement Ball tickled my brain BUT that is what the pause and rewind 10 seconds button is for! I am grateful being in this Movement Practice long enough to where I know to acknowledge my struggle after life's busy-ness has me at the mat less than I'd like, so I rewind and I meet myself where I am today.
Commented on M/<30 PALENTINES SIGNATURE /438
Feb 21 at 11:23 AM
What a gift of a mini-on-time, max-on-combination choreography Signature class! Marnie goes for 5 lb. weights and I added wrist weights to my 3 lb. dumbbells. This class uses aerobic AND anaerobic conditioning and is almost all standing. The final 2-3 minutes before the closing stretch brings us down to the mat for rolling push-ups that optionally can becoming rolling sautees with some (super brief) jumping jacks and mountain climbers added in, if you're ready for that final cardio burst at the end. One of my FAV moves is a weight behind our knee, and doing that standing felt new. The barre series has gorgeous combination moves that sculpt, stretch, and challenge our balance and strengthens our core with holding our heart open. Favoriting this gem of a class! And reiterating my humble gratitude for 3 years of this feels-so-good movement, the badass #mbodyglobalfam community, and this unique anchor that has lovingly held me over this time. Happy shared Marnieversary, Jess G!