
Nov 24 at 06:33 AM

Just like Sarah Y. who commented before, I also couldn't make my first Planksgiving Live, but I am SO appreciative how doing it from the catalog playback later still gives me that sense of collective energy. Despite the name, this was NOT a planks-focused class (have no fear!). The majority was standing, and the floor work on the mat felt amazing. It had a great flow of bringing heart rate up and back down to carry you through a 60-minute class. The M/BODY team handles live class mic issues with grace and creativity (perfect would be so boring). Check out the M/BODY app's Community Board for the closing message Marnie wasn't able to share at the end of class.

Nov 22 at 03:27 AM

This class is extra special to me as it was on my birthday and my mom joined me for the Live. To date (in November 2022), I find it to be the most accessible towel dance class in the catalog. This morning I used a pillowcase (instead of a towel) and that slid incredibly easily on the hardwood. Your legs are going to be singing by the end of this quickie 20-minute class!

Nov 20 at 06:03 AM

Day After: hey arms, heeey

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /237

Nov 19 at 02:57 PM

An all-around Signature class with a dancy (and sweaty- maybe just me?) beginning, mostly standing using all props, and weights added to floor abs at the end for that extra oomph. Marnie’s form reminders are always helpful and appreciated!

Nov 17 at 07:09 PM

I think the announcement of the IRL class in June 2022 during this Live is why I forgot to comment on this video when it first posted! This is another class gentle and calming enough for a nighttime stretch flow. As it is in every class, all parts of the body are felt, but especially the shoulders/back/torso/arms. I use a long, thin turkish towel as my strap.

Nov 17 at 05:51 PM

💕 Wow! I’m glad Murphy is through that and healing back home with you 💕

Commented on My arms!

Nov 17 at 05:49 PM

Yaaay for feeling stronger and having classes flow easier as a result! 💪

Nov 17 at 06:58 AM

Marisol your progress (everything you wrote about) is a GORGEOUS journey and I am so proud of your efforts to make these healthy shifts/perspectives/approaches! It reminds me how being well and being healthy is so much more than only moving our bodies 👏❤️❤️

Commented on M/<20 ABS SCULPT /236

Nov 17 at 04:12 AM

So grounding and engages ALL those core muscles, especially the ones I didn’t know were there. I felt a lot of stretch in the front of my body where my legs connect with my hips as well. No equipment, mostly floor work, some slower pace/ longer holds at times b/c it’s a sculpt class. Favoriting!

Replied on Class Requests

Nov 15 at 05:10 AM

Another vote here for a kickboxing themed class!