
Commented on M/<30 ARMS + ABS /397

Aug 11 at 04:30 PM

Begins with a 2 minute lymph tapping/rubbing start, then into our class warmup. We pick up the hand weights after maybe 4 minutes of stretching and heart rate raising with compound arm and leg movements, and we do not drop those suckers until the end. This class incorporates compound choreography moves, and I second Tanisha about listening to Marnie's form guidance for proper focus for safety and muscle engagement. Within 1/3 of class I noticed we are moving constantly but the pace is intentional and almost slows down rather than speeds up. We are living in muscle movement & engagement, this is NOT a fast and furious blur of a M/<30 class, but an opportunity to be here now & focused (until your arms leave you for the afterlife). YES arms & abs, but YES leg work as well. Ball under feet in releve and supporting back on mat (def recommend!) Zero planks/push-ups here. Loved closing with "You don't have to make radical changes to your life to radically change the life you're living."❤️

Commented on M/<45 SIGNATURE /398

Aug 10 at 03:21 PM

45 Signatures FLY by! I especially liked the familiar but slightly different approach to the first parts of class (cardio dance and then hand weights for arms which flowed from the cardio dance and into the stretch at the barre). The barre series has us in a one leg relevé supported by the movement ball. Plank and pushups are incorporated before we get to ab work on our backs, with legs included in all the Pilates inspired ways. Wonderful class and playlist! Happy tails, sweet Twiggy, we know you’ll take all of that love poured into you as you join a forever fam. 🐾

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /58

Aug 09 at 10:23 PM

Comments posted are spot on! Class /58 is fast moving, quick changes, brings more three sets than two, sometimes more four sets than three. It moves so quickly through transitions that you almost do not realize how many different moves you do in a plank position in this class until you’re muscles bring you right back to the present moment and your strength. I’m loving my personal preference of pushing up into a downward dog when I need a super quick stretch while doing badass plankery. “Badass plankery” is now a term this class embodies. ✌️You’ll feel sculpted, sweaty, and stretched.

Commented on M/<20 ARM DANCE /326

Aug 08 at 04:02 PM

1) These 20 minutes flew by.

2) These 20 minutes were hard.

3) These 20 minutes were worth it.

I chose wrist weights (3 lb on each wrist) and had my 3 lb dumbbells so I could drop half of the weight as needed. There were certainly times I did, and then picked them back up when I felt I could. Try this class and giving yourself the permission and freedom to reduce some or all of the weight and just keep your arms moving. I appreciate some lower body movement incorporated (wide second, then parallel). We are primarily standing but one series sequentially brings us down to our knees (one knee at a time) and brings us back up to standing. Brief moments of releve optional. Core is worked by intentionally stabilizing while arms dance away.

Aug 07 at 06:44 PM

Minutes 23:20 - 26 incorporate the Movement ball in the cool down stretch and that alone is worth checking out and knowing we can substitute that for any ending stretch (the ball under my fingertips of stretched out arms in child’s pose felt AMAZING!). I agree with Faith and other comments below, don’t skip out on this 20 minute Movement ball class! It’s a class THEN a Q&A. Our warmup incorporated the ball quickly; we start in standing with some combination choreography and fairly fast paced (getting the warmth in quickly for a short class of course), then we bring it down to the mat laying on our sides with the ball under our torso (in between hips and ribs) for some leg movement that activates core, hips, and legs (oh my!) and end on our sacrum doing crunches while upper body and lower body are lifted (and ball between legs). This class activates your brain to keep the combinations going and keep up with the quick pace of changes. If some of the Movement ball classes in the 300s feel more complex and frustrating, consider starting here to prepare for those. In a short amount of time I am feeling my arms, shoulders, core muscles, hips/glutes, and legs. That’s some Marnie Movement Ball Magic!

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /139

Aug 06 at 04:36 PM

Favorited! The words of healing in this class (especially at the end) resonate deeply, and identifying the silhouette between healing and hurt and how beautiful that space is and important to feel rather than numb out… wow. This class brings the cardio dance quickly with change ups and had me quickly sweating. Optional jumps in the beginning (not later in class, no rolling sautées in this one), and arm dance with the hand weights also felt quickly paced and had me feeling it immediately. We do have relevé in wide second for the standing series and briefly at the barre (our movement ball was squeezed in between our legs for the barre series), but this class felt like a moderate amount of relevé (not a ton). The barre choreography has both legs supporting us; the one-leg work was down on the mat in table top position in between standing barre work. Abdominal muscles and hip muscles and glutes felt worked throughout class, and the elongated leg stretches on the mat felt glorious (those long rainbow leg stretches side to side). This is a wonderful Signature that skips over some of (what I consider) go-to M/BODY moves, making class feel Signaturely familiar with moments of predictability, but not in a rut.

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /151

Aug 05 at 05:38 PM

I really liked the choreography setup of this class, it flowed so nicely! I felt ignition of side muscles and the class description is on point with the areas we work. We are up at the barre briefly a few times but floor mat glutes (with core activitation and arm strengthening) breaks it up nicely. We are invited for three and four sets of 8, as this power class celebrates the end of a year (and a Challenge) and all of the growth within. Yet this class also highlights many modification options (different not better) so this class is ready to challenge you and connect you to yourself no matter which options you choose in class today. I love Marnie’s words of making shapes throughout class, and at the end of class visualizing what shape we want to move toward (the description following makes me think of the state of our bodies as connected to our being: energized, rested, mobile, flexible) and highlights again my adoration for a movement practice that focuses on our wellness journey but does not focus on the size and the appearance (yet I appreciate hearing the specifics of what muscles we are engaging). Solid 60 min Signature class!

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /42

Aug 04 at 11:16 AM

Class starts at minute mark 4:40. While totally no equipment and good for on-the-go, I chose to grab hand weights for the arm dance (and slowed it down slightly as a result) and I opted for the modification to use my Movement ball behind my lower back during the Pilates crunches. This brings optional jumps, this brings mixes of standing/down on the mat/standing to shake it up and keep it moving. I found myself breathless and sweaty at multiple points during this approximately 50 minute workout, and I feel wonderful afterward.

Aug 03 at 12:41 PM

Twiggy puppifies this entire class with sweetness, playfulness, and naps. This one brings familiar moves in a mindful way of setting them up and re-exploring them even if you’ve done many classes, then adds some awesome choreography combinations. The messages about bringing joy into a healing space, moving through emotions, letting salt water (sweat/tears) heal is a beautiful. While a bright/joyful class, there is a lot of holding space for deep emotions, and invitations to bring it all to the mat. Mention of an optional chair so you have balance support when feet and legs are close together in a plié relevé as well as when doing a standing one leg lift and wrap around stretch, but absolutely no equipment works with space all around your mat (we incorporate leg extensions all around). While equipment-free, I may choose to add hand weights for my second run through this class for added oomph.


Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /103

Aug 02 at 09:54 AM

This class brought lots of three and four sets of 8 and seemed to focus on standing and down on the mat work. Our time at the barre was very brief (of course still felt the stretch and the sculpt). The choreography felt interlaced and while the moves were not complex, the pace of changes and shifting was fast. I had to grip my ball even tighter behind my knee in table top position as my legs were so sweaty! Loved the celebration words throughout and at the end "I am enough. I always have been, and I always will be."