
Aug 01 at 04:43 PM

Day after: yes my arms are worked, but there are muscles in my back that are VERY awake today, that I previously did not know existed.

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /25

Aug 01 at 03:53 PM

Ohhh this Signature had so many hip opening moves (hip tucks and hip circles in every position I can think of) and serious strengthening and sculpting of the legs and glutes. The ab series was fire as others commented (my child told me "I felt your heat!" as he played nearby). The abs were worked throughout class including standing series, but laying on our backs on the mat the crunches incorporated a "figure four" motion that felt different and intense. Marnie's messages throughout class reminds us of what we can do, we can do hard things, and some say training begins when you are at the point you want to stop. The words throughout felt motivating and supportive.

Jul 31 at 11:55 AM

This class reminds you of YOUR power as you build upon it with heavier weights (I used wrist weights + hand weights). We stand, we pulse, we squat, we plank and table top, and we sit on the floor with our core power and weights lifting. It keeps it moving with short rounds of arms up and down, different than our arm dances in Signature classes with lighter weights where we don’t drop our arms (rather this class offers quick moments of reprieve). Twiggie the puppy makes this class even better. 🐾 Happy Marniversary to Faith, Stephanie, and Anahita! HBD to Lizamary!

Jul 31 at 08:39 AM

Detoxifying, energizing, and mood brightening Signature class. Certainly dancey and bouncy, but with moments of pulse and lots of activating leg lifts in choreography. I loved all of the center line twists for detox. Friendly reminder for fellow #mbodyglobalfam with sensitive knees, as Marnie says in this class if your knees are sensitive when we sit on our shins and knees and hover our thighs just a few inches up, try wideneing your feet below you (as she says) and I also use a Marnie tip from other classes where I place the Movement ball in between my knees for added support. Those strategies help me, perhaps they'll help you too!

Jul 30 at 05:57 PM

I loved the shapes we made in this quickie sweaty class! I remember being so pumped up for the upcoming NYC IRL classes happening just after a week from this Live class.

Jul 30 at 12:57 PM

This was such a sweat fest of a sculpty burn-y class (in all the best detoxifying ways possible).

Jul 30 at 12:50 PM

So I didn’t comment on this class when I did it, but I added it to my own “Badass Ballerina” playlist if that’s any indication of how you’ll feel during it.

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /82

Jul 30 at 09:28 AM

I enjoyed the flow of this Signature class; I was so sweaty within minutes (as observed and complimented by my 7 year old son haha) and I found the sprinkling mix of the plank dances, barre work, and mat work in tabletop position helpful to do the reps (breaking it up into segments makes it more manageable). I still found myself dropping for a moment and piking up into a downward dog another moment for a brief respite, but these classes can be returned to and I can continue working on getting through some plank choreography sets without breaks (and gracefully meet myself where I am in the meantime). The fiery abs were "for real for real," to work on not dropping my head and legs. We use all equipment, but the ball is just for in between our legs/knees (not under our feet in this class nor is it behind our backs for core work). This class embodies all the pillars of sweat, sculpt, and stretch and I feel glorious afterward!

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /6

Jul 29 at 11:50 AM

I loved this Signature flow; it started in a way that built up energy but also eased us in. I felt bursts of sweatiness at multiple points. I’ve done these classes long enough where during the barre one leg choreography I was able to quiet my ego when I knew I had to maintain the slower pace to maintain form, rather than speed up (older versions of me would have thought slower means less than/not enough, but current me realizes keeping the slower pace allows me to capture the muscle engagement and I’m less likely to raise up a hip for the forward side leg bend, so slow is the right pace for me today). The abdominal work was a beautiful challenge and I liked the side crunches with legs up (liked and cussed).

I noticed we did about a minute of two extra moves on our first leg at the barre that we seem to skip on the second leg. If you want to even that out, here’s what I mean: at minute 25:49 we do “in and out” on the first leg (16 reps) and then straight leg lift (24 reps). For our other side at minute 33:43, consider pausing and going back to add in moves from 25:49 - 26:40 for your second leg. Then resume other side work back at 33:43. ❤️

Commented on M/<20 BARRE BURN /318

Jul 28 at 08:49 PM

This video is two parts: an all-standing anaerobic sweaty barre burn sculpt AND a bonus lymphatic drainage exercise afterward. Class warms up quickly and differently, incorporates pulses and posterior arabesque (back leg lifts) and had me so warm and sweaty without ANY cardio jumps, bounces, or dances. Marnie gives incredibly helpful cues for form, focus areas, etc. throughout class which felt like a gentle handholding as I was finding it a challenge to keep form (hip alignment with tuck) in the wide second in the first choreography sequence. We bring the hand weights into the next barre choreography while standing in relevé on the ball. She reminds of options to approach the moves in this class as well, such as arm placement toward the end (this class is great for any shoulder issues as we don’t plank and you have the option not to lift your arm above your shoulder, it’s included in a sequence but you can modify). After cool down stretching at the barre (or optional floor) and closing meditation words, Marnie goes through a few minutes of easy DIY lymph node stimulation practice.

I love that this is Lindsey J’s birthday class, as she is such a dedicated and special #mbodyglobalfam friend of mine (and if you need a class recommendation, she’s got you!).