Miranda M

Dec 05 at 09:54 PM

So beautiful Mayo. We are so happy to have you here :)

Dec 05 at 09:52 PM

So beautiful Mayo. We are so happy to have you here :)

Dec 05 at 09:51 PM

Sending all the love and energy Marisol. We all have your back. Xoxo


Dec 03 at 09:33 PM

Same Sowanny, I just take lots of breaks and hope one day I can get through all the reps :) 

Commented on M/<30 BOOTY + ABS /332

Dec 03 at 09:32 PM

Note to future self reading the comments - this one is challenging but gives room for growth. Revisit when you need to feel grounded and tune in. Also, Marnie everytime you wear those pants I know you are going to bring some heat. My whole top row of my favourites list is you in these magic pants. xo 

Dec 02 at 08:21 PM

Happy Birthday Tanisha! So grateful we got to celebrate with you today xoxo



Nov 19 at 09:11 PM

1 / 3
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3 / 3

Fairy Jumps
Just thought I would share some photos of Aubrey in her fairy forest in our backyard. She is completely obsessed with fairies and desperately wants to make friends with one. She is beyond excited that she helped name an M/body move and is telling everyone she knows. Thanks for making her day Marnie xoxo


Nov 13 at 03:56 PM

This is truly my new forever FAVE. Loved this so much - mini Aubrey did parts of it with me and she really loved "flying like a fairy" at the barre. xoxo

Nov 01 at 09:47 PM

This class was pure therapy for me - T.Swift, Beyonce and amazing balletic choreography. I am so grateful to be back on the mat with the fam. 

Commented on Chair dance with mom

Oct 30 at 07:47 PM

Too cute!
