Miranda M


Jun 24 at 04:10 PM

For my Canadian fam! Ollie is hopping on the Oilers’ bandwagon!



Jun 15 at 11:40 PM

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Hello from the French Riveria!

Hi fam - Monique S let me know that you all sent me a lot of birthday love in the live chat yesterday! At the time I was mindlessly strolling that Promenade Anglais in Nice! I just wanted to hop on to say thank you for the birthday wishes. I appreciate you all so much. I feel very fortunate that I was able to celebrate with my husband and Aubrey on a trip of a lifetime in Europe. We are having a great time, but I am also looking forward to getting back to the mat next week. I am sharing some photos for those of you not on IG.
Thank you for the love! I feel it and am sending it right back xoxoxo



Nov 19 at 09:11 PM

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Fairy Jumps
Just thought I would share some photos of Aubrey in her fairy forest in our backyard. She is completely obsessed with fairies and desperately wants to make friends with one. She is beyond excited that she helped name an M/body move and is telling everyone she knows. Thanks for making her day Marnie xoxo



Aug 17 at 08:45 PM

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I finished 49 workouts and 29 wellness challenge activities. My goal was to go for 60, but life happens! I had a great time doing the challenge with you all. Can’t wait for the next one!



Jan 09 at 09:45 PM

This one is for Rochelle - my dog is pampered (by my daughter)! LOL



Dec 13 at 11:08 PM

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My goal was 60 and I hit 56 workouts. I am happy with this as it was a very busy few months - work trip across the country and some major work milestones plus kid stuff and life thrown into the mix!

I also completed 43 wellness challenges - next time I am going to focus on these more.

My favourite mantra which I forgot to post earlier is “You don’t have a life, you ARE life.” This seems fitting.

Congratulations to you all - so thankful for the support of this community.



Nov 01 at 08:36 PM

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I was pretty busy last night so just finished the Halloween signature class - it was soooo good!

Posting our costumes and pumpkins - I of course didn’t take any photos of myself but was dressed as Princess Leia (my go to last minute costume - lol).



Oct 24 at 02:32 PM

I have been putting this off for months. I just booked:

  • Lab work (giant phobia of blood tests over here …)

  • Mammogram

  • Pap test

The challenge was the kick in the pants I needed to get this done. Let’s go Day 10!



Oct 20 at 06:59 PM

Spent my whole day in airports and on airplanes (am so thankful to be home!) so I could not spend time in the sunshine. My husband sent me this photo that he took of Aubrey while they were outside this afternoon and it is just perfect. My sunlight ☀️☀️☀️



Aug 24 at 05:33 PM

This is Ollie - my two year old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. He is the snuggliest and most loving little guy. He often lies at the foot of my mat during workouts. My husband did the planks & push ups workout with me one day and Ollie barked at him during the workout, he was like “Why are you doing this dad? This is mom’s thing!”.

Seeing all of these adorable faces has totally made my day!