Miranda M

Commented on M/<20 BARRE SWEAT /403

Sep 17 at 08:57 PM

The chat at the end of this was amazing, especially as I prepare for Aubrey to go to her first ever sleep away camp! Ah - so many good memories to be made!ย 

Sep 02 at 07:48 AM

Yes PLEASE to all three of these!


Aug 04 at 09:21 PM

Also Marnie, if this class was just 20 minutes of us crying over a puppy together - I would be here for it. Big hugs to you and Twiggy.ย 


Aug 04 at 09:17 PM

So powerful. Keep the heavier weight workouts coming! They are amazing


Jul 31 at 07:36 PM

Best name!


Jul 30 at 08:45 PM

This one is such a classic. Feels meditative. Really helps me to tune in to my body and turn off the noise. More of this please!!ย 

Jul 27 at 05:31 PM

How did I forget about this one?! The playlist and ballerina badass vibes are top notch. And the message is just what I needed today - I couldn't do the live and felt depleted today. I did this one later in the day and needed this reminder, that everyday is different and I just need to keep showing up.ย 

Jul 22 at 09:08 PM

This one is a slow burn - I felt in every muscle of my body and was drenched in sweat at the end. Love love love 5 pound weights, but that ball under the pelvis move was near impossible for me! Will come back and try it again.

Jul 22 at 09:06 PM

Haha - this comment made me very curious about this one! That move was so tough!ย 

Jul 14 at 09:52 PM

I feel like I am commenting this on every video lately, but this one is going into my top 5 (top 50?). I did this with 8 pound weights, which was challenging, but doable (for me at this moment). I am incredibly sweaty and feel so strong. This one really packs a punch in 20 minutes and has some unique choreography to keep your brain engaged.ย 
