Miranda M

Aug 14 at 08:59 PM

"A space to be free" - pretty much sums up this joyful dancy workout!ย 

Commented on Making it through

Aug 11 at 07:39 PM

I also have a hip injury and while it flares up sometimes, I havenโ€™t had to go to physio for nearly 2 years since starting m/body - truly amazing!

Aug 10 at 09:45 PM

Exactly what I needed today - have been holding onto so much stress in my hips and sciatica has been acting up. I feel so calm and stretched out - I might actually be able to sleep tonight.ย 

Aug 06 at 09:44 PM

I say this often, but this is officially going on my top 5 list. Loved the slow jam playlist (TLC followed by Usher and a cool down to The Fugees - soo good) and really needed to slow down and tune in today while still working up a serious sweat. So so good.ย 

Aug 02 at 09:02 PM

Love a sweat class with weights - some fun new combos that I will be coming back to!ย 

Jul 25 at 10:04 PM

This was my one year m/body anniversary class! So glad to come back to this as part of the challenge - one of my top 10 classes. So sweaty, great playlist, super fun dancey moves -so so good.ย 

I guess my husband is coming too. Lol.

Jul 24 at 09:43 PM

Thinking about you Claudia and sending all the love! PS - I am planning a trip to Italy next spring with Aubrey!

Commented on Practicing Poses

Jul 24 at 09:41 PM

So adorable! Love it! She is so strong!

Replied on NYC Here We Come!

Jul 24 at 04:56 PM

Rescinding my vote - as much as I would LOVE to sweat with you all in NYC, just canโ€™t make it happen this time :(