Leah Hapner

Denver, CO, United States

chocolate connoisseur, barefoot kitchen dancer

Replied on Montana

Jun 18 at 08:38 AM

Thanks, thanks! Man I wish we all lived closer. It would be so nice to coffee/brunch/ice cream with everyone, for fun and for advice!


Jun 17 at 07:10 AM

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Here they are!



Jun 17 at 07:07 AM

Sharing two photos from a week in Paradise Valley, MT! We went to Yellowstone NP, through Grand Teton NP, did a 2 hr guided horseback ride, got craft coffee in Bozeman, and ate some good stuff!

Also, as a quasi step mom (50% of the time), this trip was rough in spots. I remember being a kid and complaining about the drive and the “are we there yet?!” questions every 15 mins, but we didnt have devices and near constant cell service. For the last 5 hrs of this trip I had no more patience, I had “ungrateful punks” in my head, I had zero capacity to answer questions. When we returned, I told my boyfriend I’m never doing that again and cried. (I’m okay today!) To everyone who is a parent, you are amazing and saintly and your kids will appreciate you more and more as they age.

ANYWAY. So ready for the challenge and some recentering and the love of this community!


Commented on M/<20 ARMS /85

Jun 09 at 08:12 AM

This one opens like a signature class and it ends sans meditation/affirmation since M/86 is the second half if you want a 45 min session. Be sure to really bend your front knee and move your heart forward when doing the solo arm work on train track legs. Marnie gives this cue on the second side and man did I feel a difference in the calf stretch on the back leg!

Jun 05 at 06:40 AM

This is a fun class! Movement ball moves and combos we have and havent done before. I grabbed Mini ball for the behind the knee floor work so I could use the Movement ball for side support. Ditto on Faith’s comment about feeling energized after!

May 26 at 06:57 AM

This one is so fun! And the best message on growth! Came back to this one and did the plank-to-standing jumps instead of walks. Woohoo!
Check out the Postmodern Jukebox version! I love all of their arrangements. Yesterday I was debting asking Marine to throw a song or two into our classes.

Commented on A Time to Bloom

May 24 at 08:48 PM

Hugs, Jessi! The struggles and lessons make us stronger, gentler, more compassionate, and braver. You got this!

Commented on Grateful

May 17 at 12:58 PM

What is his/her name? My Junie bug is a gray tuxedo!


May 12 at 06:48 AM

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Hi Fam!

I did the Wednesday live this morning and wiggled and wobbled my way through. Marnie’s words about showing up when we are messy immediately made me think of a post on insta, shared here. Our messy makes us who we are!