Leah Hapner

Denver, CO, United States

chocolate connoisseur, barefoot kitchen dancer


Aug 10 at 09:22 AM

Where are the August Leos? Happy birthday month to us! I turned 38 on 8/8! This morning I went to a flower farm to cut a bouquet and I’m dedicating it to us. 🎂 See you at today’s live!



Feb 23 at 06:24 PM

Was unable to do the T.Swift class live and had to save it for when the bf’s daughter could do it with me. We just finished and loved it! She cant wait for the “blue Taylor class.” (Also my cat June wanted in the photo since she sat by us for moral support, so that furry stick like thing is her tail. 😂)



Jan 24 at 09:31 AM

My chat box was missing during the live, so I’ll share my thoughts here. Today’s live was so joyful! The dancer in me loved the set of choreo that took me back to my high school jazz class days. Thanks, Marnie and team!



Oct 13 at 02:50 AM

Visiting my college bestie outside of Cambridge on my way to the retreat and she wanted to do the newest posture class! And she is 9 weeks postpartum (number 3)! She wore him for part of the class! Will post a video to my IG but wanted to encourage the new mamas to do what your body allows with all the modifications you need, baby wearing included. :)



Aug 06 at 11:04 AM

The bf’s 14-year-old daughter Delainey did the Barbie class with me. This was her first full hour long class!! Woohoo!!



Jul 03 at 10:53 AM

-seeing 3 friends this past weekend: a beautiful and pleasantly challenging hike with one, an arts festival with another, and coffee with another.

-an extra day off (today!)

-leisurely mornings



Jun 21 at 04:01 PM

Friends!! Question for you: Do any of you work in strategic partners? For my new job I am formalizing our program and I’d like to know what other companies, orgs, and/or non-profits do in terms of an “application” or interest/intake form, vetting or approvals, perks, what engagement looks like, etc.

Would love to chat with you!

Rock on, challenge on!


Jun 19 at 07:19 PM

For this challenge I looked at things I’m currently struggling with, which are screentime and eating enough fruits/veggies. My goals are:

-Read 30mins 4x/week

-Write or paint or create 1x/week

-Increase fruit (5x/week with breakfast + 3x/week as snack) and veggies (5x/week with lunch, 2x week as snack).

Rock on to us!



Jun 17 at 07:10 AM

1 / 3
2 / 3
3 / 3

Here they are!



Jun 17 at 07:07 AM

Sharing two photos from a week in Paradise Valley, MT! We went to Yellowstone NP, through Grand Teton NP, did a 2 hr guided horseback ride, got craft coffee in Bozeman, and ate some good stuff!

Also, as a quasi step mom (50% of the time), this trip was rough in spots. I remember being a kid and complaining about the drive and the “are we there yet?!” questions every 15 mins, but we didnt have devices and near constant cell service. For the last 5 hrs of this trip I had no more patience, I had “ungrateful punks” in my head, I had zero capacity to answer questions. When we returned, I told my boyfriend I’m never doing that again and cried. (I’m okay today!) To everyone who is a parent, you are amazing and saintly and your kids will appreciate you more and more as they age.

ANYWAY. So ready for the challenge and some recentering and the love of this community!