Leah Hapner

Denver, CO, United States

chocolate connoisseur, barefoot kitchen dancer

Commented on Going on Tour!

Jul 27 at 05:15 AM

Ooh! I will try to see you in Cheyenne!

Commented on The Most Perfect Words

Jul 24 at 10:17 AM

So glad to have tou back, Marisol!!

Jul 09 at 08:26 AM

This one was so hard for me! I felt pretty defeated, but Marnie’s words about just showing up to the mat as we are made me feel better. Reminder to me: it is good to have positions and poses to grow into. Come back and try this one in a few months.

Commented on Summer ☀️

Jul 08 at 08:51 AM

That salsa? Salad? looks delish!!

Commented on post was deleted

Jul 08 at 08:50 AM

Speak Now is my fave album! Yes, already listened to Taylor’s version!

Jul 06 at 05:37 AM

YA lover here too! (37!) Anything John Green.

Jul 06 at 05:36 AM

I’m listening to ACOTAR right now! Agree with you on B&tB.


Jul 03 at 10:53 AM

-seeing 3 friends this past weekend: a beautiful and pleasantly challenging hike with one, an arts festival with another, and coffee with another.

-an extra day off (today!)

-leisurely mornings



Jun 21 at 04:01 PM

Friends!! Question for you: Do any of you work in strategic partners? For my new job I am formalizing our program and I’d like to know what other companies, orgs, and/or non-profits do in terms of an “application” or interest/intake form, vetting or approvals, perks, what engagement looks like, etc.

Would love to chat with you!

Rock on, challenge on!


Jun 19 at 07:19 PM

For this challenge I looked at things I’m currently struggling with, which are screentime and eating enough fruits/veggies. My goals are:

-Read 30mins 4x/week

-Write or paint or create 1x/week

-Increase fruit (5x/week with breakfast + 3x/week as snack) and veggies (5x/week with lunch, 2x week as snack).

Rock on to us!