July 26, 2023

Hey fam! When this challenge started, I was psyched to see that it leads me right into another big road trip and now that the finish line is in focus I am feeling strong and ready for it! I wanted to share my tour here in hopes of running into some of the fam while I'm on the road! Lemme know if you live near any of these towns, even if you can't make the show maybe we can workout together ๐Ÿค 

I'm also debating on whether I'm bringing my 2lbs or my 3lbs ๐Ÿคฃ I try to pack light and last tour i stuck to no equipment but in retrospect (and I never thought I'd say this) but I missed my weights the most!

Anyways, love yall so much! Can't wait to do some of these travel classes in some national parks and keep spreading the mbody light!