Lindsey J

Jun 21 at 04:51 AM

I loved this class! I previewed and went into it with the mindset that itโ€™d be a mental push class for me as my natural movement is bouncy. I couldnโ€™t have been more wrong. This class is grounding, brain working perfection with choreo changes, and the fire is the best kind. True sculpt and strength without frustration.

Commented on M/<20 ARMS + ABS /292

Jun 19 at 03:55 PM

I loved this class! I used 3lbs and the mix of choreo kept my brain engaged. I canโ€™t wait to do this again and add this to another 20 to make a full class, itโ€™s perfect with a cardio dance!

Commented on Summer Challenge Goals

Jun 19 at 09:27 AM

Love you sister, with you ๐Ÿค

Commented on Summer Of Strong Goals

Jun 19 at 09:26 AM

Kady, so so proud ๐Ÿค


Jun 19 at 09:25 AM

  1. This challenge I will continue to allow myself to be seen; physically through pictures, verbally through live chats, this board, and IG, and most importantly and most vulnerably through allowing myself to connect with you all.
  2. I will continue to work on calming my body with physical reminders and releases. I can control my shoulders by letting them drop, my hands by letting them unclench and release, and my breath by focusing on sets of 4. I will ride the waves of anxiety and continue to recalibrate my nervous system.
  3. I will look to no longer save the good or special things for an unidentified time in the future or for someone else. I will light the candles for myself, put on the cost too much pink workout shorts to be alone in my house and plug in the twinkle lights to stretch, eat the raspberries and buy the dark chocolate and eat them off a dish. Seems small but itโ€™s small I seek.

Jun 16 at 11:51 AM

With you Kerry! And Iโ€™m going to be demanding and ask for another kickass artistic expression to count down the days. Goats again or something else..hmm..canโ€™t wait to see what you come up with!

Jun 16 at 11:49 AM

Krista!! Congratulations!! My son is 9yo and I did not have a movement program when I was pregnant. Is making it through a movement program?! ๐Ÿ˜‰I am far from that pregnancy feeling but thinking of you and in awe of all mamas that M/BODY when pregnant. QUEENS, all of you.

Commented on M/<60 FAM FAVS /60

Jun 15 at 05:34 AM

This is the one where the fam straight up serves us lol so much in one class and an absolute favorite barre series with forward leg extensions and passes. Note for those doing the class; live normal humanness means that the right side and parallel lunge series gets skipped. To even out your butt (๐Ÿ˜‰), the series is from 14:47-18:40 so just stop after doing it the first time and rewind and do the right leg instead. Then carry on with sotes and weight series as if it never happened ๐Ÿ™‚

Replied on M/<60 FAM FAVS /60

Jun 15 at 05:28 AM

You are correct! Iโ€™ll comment the times to rewind if others notice and want to even out their butts ๐Ÿ˜‚

Jun 11 at 06:16 AM

We had you with us in spirit! If you have a few min listen to the meditation ๐Ÿค Also, I did 45 posture sweat 219 this week and when your song came on in orange abs, I lit UP! Kesha Boogie Feet ๐Ÿคฉ