Lindsey J

Oct 08 at 04:39 AM

I am always a fan of props!! The brain work required combined with the physical work helps me with endurance, adds mental challenge of accepting learning and letting go of perfection (how do we know how to do something if we’ve never done it before? #Marniewisdom), and for me adds fun, which is something I am working to allow and seek.

So short answer, yes!! (Do I know how to do a short answer?! 😆)


Commented on M/<45 CHAIR DANCE /322

Oct 08 at 04:14 AM

This is such a unique, effective, and strengthening class! I loved the new choreo and the use of the prop meant extra brain work. I love the distraction this brings from the physical and mental endurance; distraction with a purpose like only M/BODY can bring. (Thank you for sneaking that second inner thigh leg lift series into the catalog, and so seamlessly!)

Oct 08 at 04:11 AM

There’s no missing leg! The marvelousness that is the M/BODY team made sure to refilm and edited the second inner thigh leg lifts in. Dance freely loves, you will be equally stong and sore 🔥😆

Oct 07 at 12:29 PM

This is an excellent cardio and brain workout! So many series with punches and kicks, ups and downs, extra cardio bursts thrown in between sets to make sure your heart rate stays elevated. Highly recommend if you’re looking for a bouncy class full of self motivated (and found) power

Commented on My October!

Oct 03 at 06:05 AM

What a happy time! Thank you for the perspective on October. Living in Maine, October means the start of cold and my summer loving body struggles with the transition. I will channel my inner celebrating Chantale and remind myself of balance and gratitude. Happy celebrations to you!


Oct 03 at 06:02 AM

I’m so sorry to hear that Costanza, but so glad you are taking care of yourself.

In typical geek out fashion I made a list for you of all the floor classes I could find. Also, I’m thinking any of the signature classes that have the typical sequence of floor glutes to floor abs around the 30minute mark or so would be safe for you after a warm up, just skip the first half of class. I hope you heal quickly, I know how much you love full body tough classes.

Planks and Push-ups 300 and 178; Ab Sculpt 249, 236, 174; Floor Core 174, 117, 73; Dancers Floor Core 155; Floor Flow 312, 290, 251; Floor Series 142, and of course the stellar Fiery Floor Abs 216 you mentioned had to make the list.

There are 2 two 45min Grounded Sweat classes 179 and 277 that have some standing lunge combos with weights but you could omit or modify to knees/replace with another move.

Your already strong as can be abs are going to be next level after this!!

Sep 30 at 05:03 PM

My heart lit up reading this @Louise 🥹🥰


Sep 30 at 04:56 AM

🥳🥳 Wouldn’t miss it!!

Sep 30 at 04:55 AM

Happy Marnieversary Lauren!! (my phone actually autopopulated that word lol). We will be celebrating you at the live today for sure. You and those babies of yours!


Commented on post was deleted

Sep 29 at 06:10 AM

Hmm, trying logging out and back in or uninstalling and reinstalling the app? Or maybe it’s a new billing cycle?