Cass Pfender

Saint Paul, MN, United States

Commented on Gratitude Post

Sep 12 at 07:11 PM

Mind, body, and soul - you’re so right!! I am so grateful to be in this supported and healing space with you!! ❤️

Sep 06 at 07:49 PM

I love that one too!!
YES!! A fellow thrifter!! ❤️ All of my workout clothes came from ThredUp! 😂 What sizes are you looking for??

Commented on Gaga

Aug 09 at 11:55 AM

Oh my goodness YES!!

Aug 07 at 07:09 AM

Kathryn I love this!! I love leaning about native plants, their uses, and foraging! I live in Minnesota, near the capital, St Paul. We pick wild black raspberries (some folks call them black caps) throughout the month of July. In spring, we can find ramps and morel mushrooms in our area. We have a couple of lovely patches of wild strawberries in our yard. And elderberries are native to this area, too, although I haven’t ventured to try my own elderberry juice yet. Happy picking!! ❤️

Commented on Surgery Recovery

Aug 06 at 09:19 AM

I’m so sorry to hear, Laura!! I’ll be thinking about you and looking forward to having you back on the mat soon!! ❤️

Jul 29 at 10:20 AM

So right!! Was just trying to figure out which one to do today - thanks for pointing me in the right direction! ❤️

Jul 23 at 07:41 AM


Jul 22 at 04:03 PM

I love this so much!!! Thank you for sharing!! ❤️❤️

Commented on Sending love

Jul 21 at 05:09 PM

Whew! This just gave me goosebumps! Thank you so much - I will be returning to your words frequently, they are exactly what I have been needing to hear. Holding you in my heart, sister. ❤️