Cass Pfender

Saint Paul, MN, United States

Commented on Small World!

Oct 29 at 09:57 AM

This filled my heart! ❤️

Commented on Anxiety sisters….

Oct 12 at 10:40 AM

SUCH a healthy response to these feelings and thoughts, Emily. M/Body has been hugely helpful in my own anxiety management - I have started telling my heart that I’m going to give it the *right* reason to beat that hard! I also highly recommend Balance CBD drops from Juna World. Marnie mentioned them in the past and they have become a daily ritual!

Commented on Hesitancy

Oct 11 at 08:43 PM

There are times when letting go can be so much more daunting and require so much more strength than holding on. Bravo dear friend!! Hope the move is going as smoothly as possible! xo

Oct 11 at 08:37 PM

Oh Emily. I am sending you so much love. This tattoo is beautiful and your strength takes my breath away. Holding you in my heart sweet friend. ❤️


Sep 27 at 08:00 PM

So many of your posts have spoken to where I was at that time or supplied just the right words for that day, and each time I’ve been so thankful that you put your thoughts and yourself out there. I came across this quote a couple weeks ago, and it felt like the Universe was whispering to me. I’ve wanted to share it here in case one of you, sweet fam, might need these words as much as I, but I just kept feeling too shy. I’m working on that. I’m doing a lot of renewing, reclaiming, and holding on these days. I’m also working really hard on some incredibly painful but deeply healthy letting go. Some days it feels impossible. And yet, some days it feels like freedom. The simple fact is that we are all holding on. And letting go. We will keep going. We will keep balancing. I’m so incredibly grateful to be healing, growing, and balancing with each and every one of you. ❤️


Sep 23 at 08:35 AM

Mine are still showing up, too. Have you tried restarting the app? Are they still showing up if you log in on a computer? 🤞

Commented on Durango, CO

Sep 18 at 07:30 PM

Just gorgeous!! Thanks so much for sharing!!

Commented on Gone Viral…

Sep 18 at 07:29 PM

So sorry to hear this, Emily!! Sometimes giving your body time to heal really is another form of getting on the mat. Keep focusing on your highest good. ❤️ As others have said, would love to say hi and send you some love in real time on Wednesday!

Sep 12 at 07:30 PM

LOVE that you did this, my beautiful friend!! It is soo wonderful seeing your face!! ❤️ I’m going to try to remember to do this when I’m good and sweaty on Wednesday!

Commented on Nice to meet you!

Sep 12 at 07:22 PM

Hi Mayo!! Lol thank goodness for that PopSugar video - it has brought so many of us together, myself included! I’m in Minnesota and am sometimes joined by my minis, Cassidy and Freyja, during the lives. In addition to the myriad benefits of these workouts and this community, I really value the opportunities to show my kiddos what it looks like to prioritize my health, and Marnie’s mantras have literally started showing up in their conversations and worldview (these girls “can do hard things!”). Lucky to be an M/Body mama and soo happy to have you here!! ❤️