September 27, 2022

So many of your posts have spoken to where I was at that time or supplied just the right words for that day, and each time I’ve been so thankful that you put your thoughts and yourself out there. I came across this quote a couple weeks ago, and it felt like the Universe was whispering to me. I’ve wanted to share it here in case one of you, sweet fam, might need these words as much as I, but I just kept feeling too shy. I’m working on that. I’m doing a lot of renewing, reclaiming, and holding on these days. I’m also working really hard on some incredibly painful but deeply healthy letting go. Some days it feels impossible. And yet, some days it feels like freedom. The simple fact is that we are all holding on. And letting go. We will keep going. We will keep balancing. I’m so incredibly grateful to be healing, growing, and balancing with each and every one of you. ❤️