Tracy Kodner

St Louis, MO, United States

Commented on Class Requests

Nov 16 at 10:01 AM

I love a gooey slow class that really digs into the postures. And floor classes.


Nov 12 at 07:43 AM

Happy Saturday, Fam! Missing the live today to get my flu shot/COVID booster, but still snuck in an early 45 min M/Body.

After just over 2 years doing M/Body I've finally learned that I feel so much better and more connected to the workouts when I eat something light about an hour before working out. I've been stuck with an unwritten rule in my head my whole life that I shouldn't eat before a workout. But the more I've tested the opposite of this "rule" the better results I see in my physical being.

Every day I learn a little more. Have a great workout today! ๐Ÿ’œ


Commented on My family!!!

Sep 24 at 11:11 AM

Lizamary, I'm so sorry. Keeping you and your family in my heart and sending love. Your global M/Body Fam is here for you ๐Ÿ’œ

Sep 10 at 04:47 PM

It had been a while since I visited this one. So good! Especially love the safe white light visualization and the discussion about changing the narrative about negative self-talk with our bodies (at the end). Such a great reminder to love and appreciate what our amazing bodies do for us.

Commented on Nice to meet you!

Sep 08 at 03:56 AM

Welcome, Mayo! So good to see you! I'm Tracy. I live in St. Louis and also discovered Marnie on PopSugar ๐Ÿ˜ƒ The magical classes and warmth of the community have kept me coming back for almost 2 years now. So delighted you reached out!! Love putting a face to another sweet M/Body spirit around the world!

Sep 08 at 03:51 AM

Fired up my abs this morning! Awesome class! I love a targeted M/20. I'm someone who really benefits from extra supports for floor ab work. I recommend skipping to the end (24 min mark) first to watch the details Marnie gives on modifications and then go back to start the class. Realized the placement of my movement ball could have been adjusted to a better spot for several moves. A+ ๐Ÿ’œ

Commented on Pandora

Aug 25 at 07:14 PM

Love this pic!

Commented on Winnie & Tucker

Aug 25 at 05:37 PM

Oops...Tuck's pic was cut off.


Aug 25 at 05:36 PM

1 / 2
2 / 2

My sweet pups Winnie and Tucker.


Commented on New here

Aug 06 at 10:01 AM

Welcome, Cat!