Tracy Kodner

St Louis, MO, United States


Nov 12 at 07:43 AM

Happy Saturday, Fam! Missing the live today to get my flu shot/COVID booster, but still snuck in an early 45 min M/Body.

After just over 2 years doing M/Body I've finally learned that I feel so much better and more connected to the workouts when I eat something light about an hour before working out. I've been stuck with an unwritten rule in my head my whole life that I shouldn't eat before a workout. But the more I've tested the opposite of this "rule" the better results I see in my physical being.

Every day I learn a little more. Have a great workout today! ๐Ÿ’œ



Aug 25 at 05:36 PM

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My sweet pups Winnie and Tucker.



Apr 06 at 03:28 PM

Celebrating 6 years cancer free today! Started my morning feeling strong and grateful with M/Body. This Fam has shown me so much love and genuine caring. Thank you ๐Ÿ’œ



Apr 03 at 06:32 AM

The magnolia tree in my front yard in full bloom. Happy Sunday, Fam!