Tracy Kodner

St Louis, MO, United States

Apr 08 at 03:50 AM

St. Louis! ๐Ÿ’œ

Apr 03 at 03:40 AM

Slowing down my breath.

Bach's Rescue Remedy: a holistic anti-amxiety, 3-4 sprays under my tongue when I'm having trouble getting out of my head. It's like someone putting a gentle hand in my shoulder.

Hearing my friend Rachel's voice.

A good hug.

Jan 24 at 03:39 AM

M/>30 Standing Sculpt/200 has been on my faves list for a while. Fiery little workout!


Jan 17 at 03:18 PM

I loved this grounded sweat! It was challenging in the best way. My blood was pumping, I worked up a sweat but I also felt so bendy and stretchy. I'll be coming back for more of this.

Dec 24 at 09:08 AM

Sending you lots of love, Emily! Take good care of yourself and we can't wait for your return.

Oct 24 at 06:19 AM

When we do hip lifts at the end of a signature class with one leg in the air. For the longest time I would make an attempt, biff it and immediately go back to two feet on the floor. The Marnie Mantra "It's about progress not perfection" got in my head and I have pushed myself to keep trying even though it's super hard for me. I'm still not great at them but I have made progress and that feels pretty great. So not in love, but loving seeing improvement in my ability.


Commented on Scoliosisโ€ฆ

Oct 22 at 02:19 PM

Emily, I'm so glad you shared. My situation is different but hopefully still helpful. I had scoliosis as a kid. One of my legs was longer than the other which affected my spine. I saw a chiropractor and he was able to get me orthotics for my shoes to correct my alignment. Eventually my legs evened out and my spine stayed aligned. Totally different scenario. However, as an adult I have continued to see a chiropractor once a month to help maintain my overall health and wellness. That, combined with the M/Body work, has helped keep me strong and healthy. I don't know if you've ever been to a chiropractor but I'm a forever fan. Sending you love and strength as you seek balance and comfort. ๐Ÿ’œ

Sep 27 at 03:11 AM

I have an Android phone and use the app for the lives.

Sep 25 at 03:10 AM

20 and 30 minutes are my go-to workouts during the work week. Then on the weekends I have more time for the 45 and 60s.


Sep 21 at 03:49 AM

Sending you so much love on your healing journey ๐Ÿ’œ You are so strong.