Nicole M

Oxford, United Kingdom

Thank you for the suggestion! ❤️ I love themed classes too. Did 232 yesterday ❤️


Commented on M/<45 CORE SCULPT /301

Oct 27 at 01:13 AM

Wiggly gooey wonderfulness! No big jumps, the bum on the ball dance at the end was sooooooo fun!

Oct 24 at 08:22 AM

Yes keep trying Molly! It feels SO empowering when you feel your strong arms lift you up ❤️❤️❤️

Oct 24 at 08:21 AM

I did for you! Because I didn’t want to workout today actually but I had to celebrate Molly G’s achievement 🥳 well done girl ❤️

Oct 24 at 12:31 AM

Dynamic side lunges for me! It always hurts the outside of my calf more than the working glute- I’m always backing off early and grateful when they’re finished!


Oct 21 at 12:37 AM

Sending love Cass! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Commented on journal woes!

Oct 21 at 12:35 AM

Yes I feel the “pressure” to keep up with a journal daily and it never works. I find having a journal prompt helps, (you can google specific ones like journal prompts for stress/sadness etc) but also just journaling when you feel like it, never when you feel you HAVE to. So I journal maybe twice a month and that’s ok too :) x


Oct 21 at 12:32 AM

Yes deal! Congratulations on this achievement! We will celebrate together virtually! X

Commented on Scoliosis…

Oct 21 at 12:31 AM

Thank you for sharing love. Wishing you all the best in your journey to find out what’s right for your body x

Oct 20 at 02:04 AM

Wow! This one was a challenge in every area of my body! Legs 🔥cardio 🔥abbbs 🔥wiggly ball combo in the glute series on all fours 🔥