Rochelle KaplanRudolph

Jun 21 at 04:06 AM

So I missed the live and did this one the next day. Wow what an amazing lower body class. I usually prefer upper body classes so I am happy I did this one. Highly recommend this one for a great way to start your day.

Commented on Summer of Strong Goals

Jun 19 at 05:46 PM

Yeah Bjork

Jun 19 at 05:45 PM

Love you Steph.


Jun 19 at 09:22 AM

So this next challenge I want to make myself a priority and try very hard to stop the negative self talk. I am shooting for 60 days because I deserve to hit the mat for the next 60 days. Wishing everyone that decides to do the challenge positive vibes and even lots of love for those fam members that opt out of the challenge this time as well. Love Rochelle


Jun 09 at 03:10 AM

I revisited this one. Loved being barefoot. This class was like a workout and flexing of my feet. Definitely recommend if you want to slow town and be present in your body.

May 11 at 06:01 PM

Melissa so sorry sending you virtual hugs.

Commented on post was deleted

Apr 30 at 08:26 AM

Love these pictures. I have been in a dark space. I donโ€™t know exactly why or what or how I got here. I know moving my body helps me start off my day and keeps me a bit more grounded. But I need to practice self love and self care. I never make me and my needs a priority and that is finally become too much. But I am going to try to focus this next month on living rather than doing.

Apr 30 at 08:23 AM

Have you tried any of the mediations Marnie had in the catalog. Those are helpful.

Commented on Thankful..

Apr 22 at 10:00 PM

Laura A. Sorry life has been so rough. You know you are not alone. Thank you for sharing what iou have been going through. I truly believe caring for yourself by moving your body is so great. These workouts are so balanced. Mind and body. Keep reaching out when you feel life is too hard. We are sending lots of positive vibes.

Commented on post was deleted

Apr 22 at 09:58 PM

The live from today and last weeks live.