August 16, 2023

So this challenge I did 59 of the 60 days. Bummed I could not double up today and knock out all 60 but I made it to the mat despite being in summer mode. Staying up too late and vacationing. The one lesson I am taking away is moving my body is like taking my daily thyroid pill. Doctor tells me if I decide not to take it I will die. I have to make movement the same. I have noticed that when walking a lot and doing yard work I am not out of breath like I use to be. And I am able to pick up a game of volleyball or frisbee at the beach and not feel exhausted from doing some physical activities outside of my daily 8 to 10 hours in front of a computer. Thank you fam for all your support. Thanks Marnie for taking care of me once I made it to the mat with all of those videos. And the daily wellness activities were so great I am putting together daily wellness activities for myself starting in September.