Jennifer Wolfe

Aug 04 at 05:44 PM

😍🤩😍🤩 for this one. Loooooved it.



May 27 at 06:35 PM

Saturday’s words hit! I’ve never, ever regretted getting to the mat. Even on the I-don’t-wanna days. Even if it’s 20 minutes. I always feel better.



Apr 16 at 08:02 PM

Swapped the latest 20-minute cardio core for the dance party in the challenge. Lol, those 20 minutes were so hard. No regrets of course, but I’ll need to reward myself with a dance party tomorrow!



Mar 05 at 07:11 PM

What I love about M/Body: There is a class for *every* way I’m feeling. Tired and blah? A quick 30-minute dance party. Lots of energy? The Beyonce 60-minute. Or go to What’s New and just hit Play on anything. I might start out in a “been a long-ass day” place but after even just 20 minutes, my whole self has been reset. So grateful for this beautiful approach to movement!


Oct 04 at 09:09 AM

45 for me, too.


Jul 26 at 05:34 PM

Finally got to this one and had a blast, of course. Favorited, of course. Haha, Anyone else have 50000 vids in their favorites???

Commented on Thankful..

Apr 25 at 10:26 PM

I’ve been in a rough patch, too, for the last year and M/Body has brought me so much goodness. And there really is something for every way you’re feeling—today I did the 30-min full-body stretch because I couldn’t rally for a high-energy workout. But I still moved and opened pathways and felt so much better afterward. It offers so many access points.


Mar 09 at 06:27 PM

Jenn in San Francisco checking in here. I never feel less than great after these workouts. Life has been so hard the past year—divorce, single-momming, job, college apps with the kid—just so much. After two years of PopSugar, I finally joined up here and it’s giving me LIFE. Whatever mood or energy level I start with, I end with feeling joy, even when I struggle to get through a series (UUHHH, planks and pushups anyone??). Anyhow, M/Body, thank you for being here. Also, the daily notices are weirdly spot-on.