Heidi Jones

Ashburn, VA, United States

Jul 09 at 11:36 AM

Hahaha that sounds like a good plan! Thank you 💗

Jul 09 at 05:05 AM

Love it!! I go curly more days than not too. Embrace the curl!

Jul 08 at 06:22 PM

Aww Sha that makes me feel better! You are very kind!! My naturally curly hair is definitely ebbing and flowing between “yay!” And crazy witch from Azkaban on a daily basis 😂 I get that in de challenge- I was afraid to fail- but Marnie’s reassurance that making it to the mat or deciding you need a rest day is the focus here. 💗


Jul 08 at 11:13 AM

Would you believe trying my hair down was scary? This highly sensitive person wasn’t sure about the hot hair on the neck sensation 😂but, it was FUN! Thanks for always challenging us to try new things Marnie and to believe we can do it (also my stamina with planks has sky rocketed! So grateful since I have been working on my still slightly separated abs!) ☺️


Jun 22 at 06:45 AM

I was REALLY sore this morning but this was absolutely attainable, yet still challenging. I loved the pointers for form and reminders to breathe 💗


Jun 20 at 05:16 PM

  • After all the Father’s Day festivities, I missed out on the first two days…but I’m nearly caught up and having a lot of fun! I love reading all of your goals and will no doubt subconsciously log them for a later date. The accountability in this fam is incredible!

Jun 09 at 12:38 PM

I’m going to start doing this weekly. This served me so well on my post sickness week. It energized me, brought me peace in my body and mind and enabled me to get back into the swing of things.

Jun 09 at 12:36 PM

I usually do 30 min workouts in the week, but I hopped on this one and I was so delighted by the 45 minutes of focused flows, playful cardio flushes and sweaty sculpts. Definitely revisiting this one!!

Commented on Last Daynof May

May 31 at 02:25 PM

This gratitude is so life giving!!! I’m so sorry you all have been sick (and hubs out of town is NO JOKE in sickness and in health 😅) A happy 3 years to you Lizamary!!

May 30 at 07:00 AM

Knockout sweat 279 is one of my faves! But not gonna lie…the recent Towel Dance blew my mind!!