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September 13, 2023
• Edited (Sep 13, 2023)

Today Mike and I are celebrating our 14th anniversary (well, we both have colds and are ordering pho…super romantic, ha!) and he surprised me with the movement ball!!Sadly, we are also mourning our sweet kitty Indiana. She shockingly developed stage 4 kidney failure and I had to take her in to be put down. She was our fur baby from England where we used to live before kids (yes, we are that kind of cat person who flies there cat across the pond 😳). She would have been 13 in November and she was always in the light. ☀️ 🐈 Mountains and valleys, right? Enjoy the pic my 6 yo daughter drew of her and left in her favorite spot 😭
Thankful for the live abs and arms class today, full of joy and connection! Really brightened my day 💗