Heidi Jones

Ashburn, VA, United States


Aug 27 at 03:14 PM

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This is playful!
My adopted bonded pair Nala and Simba saw me doing the most recent 30 min dance workout and thought it was play time. Nala brought her yellow spring to play fetch (they both fetch!) weaving between my legs... Not sure everyone realizes the sheer terror of being upside down, pony tail dangling and your kittens in pounce mode 😅(she did the full 30 min! Simba bailed. 🙄).



Dec 27 at 07:15 AM

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Goal: Smile more!
Had the fabulous opportunity to see the Radio City Hall Rockettes and wow do they smile while doing some incredibly challenging moves! Made me want to focus on smiling more during my mat time. And in general! After a season of many difficulties and poor coping mechanisms, I’m so grateful for the M/Body community for accountability and self care. 💗



Sep 13 at 01:29 PM

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Today Mike and I are celebrating our 14th anniversary (well, we both have colds and are ordering pho…super romantic, ha!) and he surprised me with the movement ball!!Sadly, we are also mourning our sweet kitty Indiana. She shockingly developed stage 4 kidney failure and I had to take her in to be put down. She was our fur baby from England where we used to live before kids (yes, we are that kind of cat person who flies there cat across the pond 😳). She would have been 13 in November and she was always in the light. ☀️ 🐈 Mountains and valleys, right? Enjoy the pic my 6 yo daughter drew of her and left in her favorite spot 😭
Thankful for the live abs and arms class today, full of joy and connection! Really brightened my day 💗



Aug 22 at 10:28 AM

Just wanted to share that If you’re feeling low energy or hormonally dysregulated one day, this 30 min is absolutely achievable and worth your time! I am glad to be sweaty and to feel a release of tension physically and emotionally. Logging this one away for next time!



Jul 27 at 10:00 AM

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What better way to celebrate seeing Barbie with all my sibs and sweet mama?! This was my favorite 60 min so far! The playfulness and energy was so strong! Felt good to be silly and laugh today!!



Jul 08 at 11:13 AM

Would you believe trying my hair down was scary? This highly sensitive person wasn’t sure about the hot hair on the neck sensation 😂but, it was FUN! Thanks for always challenging us to try new things Marnie and to believe we can do it (also my stamina with planks has sky rocketed! So grateful since I have been working on my still slightly separated abs!) ☺️



Jun 20 at 05:16 PM

  • After all the Father’s Day festivities, I missed out on the first two days…but I’m nearly caught up and having a lot of fun! I love reading all of your goals and will no doubt subconsciously log them for a later date. The accountability in this fam is incredible!


May 09 at 10:23 AM

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I’ve really missed the last few lives as we are in a Walt Disney World and I haven’t been able to move my body past the 23,000 steps/day 🥵). But this pic of my son’s first coaster was too good not to share with you all!!



May 09 at 10:22 AM

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I’ve really missed the last few lives as we are in a Walt Disney World and I haven’t been able to move my body past the 23,000 steps/day 🥵). But this pic of my son’s first coaster was too good not to share with you all!!



Apr 19 at 05:53 PM

I was struck by how many of you (beautiful people!!) are in the same battle as I am, fighting the cruel lies about our bodies that we so often tell ourselves. Thankful for this community which takes time to listen and love, but also challenge and inspire. I posted this on my bathroom mirror to remind myself to take control and love my body and thought I’d share.