
Commented on Letting go!

Mar 30 at 07:39 PM

😍 😍 Yessss!!!

Commented on P.S. This too!

Mar 30 at 01:09 PM

That’s awesome!!

Commented on Super Power

Mar 30 at 08:24 AM

This is that inner light of yours that shines through ✨

Mar 30 at 07:05 AM

So impressive to keep up the workouts while traveling for work! 💪

Commented on Beautiful pictuew

Mar 30 at 06:55 AM

Gorgeous!! Is this Athens?

Commented on Day 25

Mar 30 at 06:54 AM

I agree w/ Miranda about listening to your body and resting if you need. Back in the day women would take this time to rest (remember Anita Diamant’s book The Red Tent?) I’ve doubled up a longer session and a 20 min session to provide a day off thus far this challenge. As far as during this time, I found the Happy Hips workout felt good when I had a lot of cramping. When you have the energy (whether it’s today or after some rest days) maybe start w/ April 11th’s “Seat and Stretch” 20 min workout and come back to these end of March days another time? Your body is doing a lot of work- remind yourself what thoughts you are also releasing so that you are letting go of what isn’t needed and making space for continued healthy functioning. Remember you are still kicking ass even when taking time to rest.

Commented on Superpowers

Mar 29 at 01:09 PM

Knowing when to ask for help, or support, is a whole superpower in itself. 👏


Mar 29 at 01:03 PM

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized I can dig deep. I can push through when I need to even if I’m exhausted. I can tap into reserves of love and compassion when I’m focused on that goal. I’m internally much stronger than I ever thought I was, even though I’ve always been sensitive.

And I can find something likable or that I can respect within almost every single person I meet and work with.


Replied on HBD M/BODY!

Mar 29 at 11:27 AM

Ahhh ok! I thought I saw a comment on the anniversary live, but I may have misunderstood. A few weeks until the M/Body Anniversary is soon though! And yay for June birthdays (I’m June 29th) 🥳

Replied on Day 24 - clutter

Mar 29 at 11:25 AM

Smart idea w/ a portfolio under their bed! I have two boxes so far in a closet, and yes my hope is to make “art books” from the photos. It’s on that everlong to-do list. 😜